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Our grandchildren and other family members are so important. Whether you are in a happy marriage or going through a divorce after 60, we can help! Let's talk about how to get the most from your family relationships after 60.

6 months ago

What’s for Dinner?

“Death Over Dinner” is actually a non-profit, global “movement” started in 2013 that encourages people to gather over dinner and talk about what we want to happen when we die, which as their website says, is the most important and costly conversation…

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6 months ago

How Long Will This Estrangement Last?

Estrangement, the painful act of deliberately being cut off from someone close, casts a shadow of complexity over individuals and families alike. In this journey, we explore how recent research findings and heartfelt perspectives confront…

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6 months ago

My Husband Told Me to Find Another Partner… and to Watch Out for My Money!

“Find someone to travel through life with after I’m gone.” That was my husband’s advice before he died 17 years ago. “You have so much love to give. Don’t stay alone forever.” Then he added a most important recommendation…

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6 months ago

Nurturing Sisterhood After 60: Celebrating, Connecting, and Supporting Each Other

In a world where relationships are often measured by digital connections, the strength of bonds formed by women after the age of 60 is nothing short of inspiring. Beyond the confines of societal expectations and stereotypes, women find solace…

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7 months ago

How to Create a Conversation Renaissance in Your Marriage

There’s something comforting about sitting quietly with your spouse and not feeling pressured to come up with small talk. On the other hand, there’s something quite mind-numbing about knowing your conversational repertoire is limited…

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7 months ago

How to Sow the Seeds of Patience with Your Grandchildren

Like most three-year olds, patience is something my little granddaughter (J) has very little of. When she comes round to see us, within minutes every toy is out. Within an hour she has painted, pummelled play dough, played shops and been outside on her bike…

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7 months ago

Understanding Prenuptial Agreements for Second Marriages

Second marriages are often a second chance at love and tend to draw on the wisdom gained from prior experiences. There are plenty of reasons why couples choose to remarry after divorce or the loss of a spouse. Love and companionship remain…

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7 months ago

The Bonds of Women’s Friendships: A Testament to Strength, Support, and Lifelong Evolution

Friendship is a cornerstone of the human connection, offering companionship, support, and shared experiences that enrich our lives. The friendship bonds between women stand out as resilient and profound. From childhood playmates…

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7 months ago

The Lies We Tell Ourselves About Divorce After 60

For months, even years, I knew that my marriage was crumbling. Yet, I lied to myself, telling myself a million things that would somehow justify the reasons why I should stay in the marriage. The main one dealt with time. If you are doing the same, embrace…

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7 months ago

Exploring the Possibilities of Reconciliation After Estrangement

Estrangement within families is a deeply painful and complex phenomenon, often leaving both parties grappling with feelings of hurt, confusion, and loss. For those who find themselves estranged from loved ones, the question…

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