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Our grandchildren and other family members are so important. Whether you are in a happy marriage or going through a divorce after 60, we can help! Let's talk about how to get the most from your family relationships after 60.

2 years ago

“Good Night, My Sweet Little Grandma” and Other Thoughts on Multi-Generational Living

My husband and I did this on purpose. We were not forced into it for reasons of physical infirmity or financial difficulties. Instead, we were drawn to it by the sheer force of the potential advantages we saw. Chief among those was the ability…

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2 years ago

The Real Power of Paying Attention

Kathleen! Pay attention! These words, from my mother, from my teachers, dragging me back from my daydreams, still echo in my ears. But what is attention? We think of it as focus, something we can do with a little effort. Just snap back to reality…

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2 years ago

Are You 60 and Navigating Adult Child Estrangement and Mental Health Issues?

Estrangement is already an extremely delicate and challenging situation, and it becomes even more tricky to navigate with mental illness. The ups and downs of having an adult child with mental illness could create a nightmarish dynamic of confusion and sadness…

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2 years ago

What Do My Sons, Forgiveness and a Goat Have in Common?

I was the only person in line at Barnes and Noble on a rainy Friday. The girl at the register was cradling the phone with her neck, as she busily worked the computer. With her free hand she was gesturing in the air towards the back of the store…

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2 years ago

Keeping the Marital Home in Divorce Can Be a Mistake

Keeping the marital home can be one of the biggest financial mistakes made in divorce. Many times, the reasons are emotional, and the costs, both financial and timewise, aren’t given enough consideration. There are both good reasons to keep…

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2 years ago

Women’s History Month – My Tribute

Did you know that every March is National Women’s History Month? Its honorary observance was designated by Congress in 1987. The month is dedicated to honor the contributions and achievements of women to our country…

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2 years ago

How Making Bread Helped Me to Learn About Setting Boundaries

I was grateful to be in the process of making bread when I received her text message. She wanted to talk. What about? I had no idea, and after a year of not speaking, I felt sick to my stomach even thinking about it…

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2 years ago

10 Strategies to Empower You When Dealing with a Contentious Divorce

Getting through a divorce can be extremely difficult at best, even when both parties are doing their best to cooperate. In cases where there is high conflict, divorce can turn from challenging to disaster quickly, as one or both parties…

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2 years ago

Are You in the Reality Phase After Divorce?

If you’ve been reading about The Road Through Recovery after divorce, it is an easy, sensible way to pinpoint exactly where we are “stuck” or “in pain.” There are five phases within it. It is a cycle of feelings we experience in the divorce recovery process…

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2 years ago

The Art of REALLY Listening

I have spent some time recently, thinking about family relationships. About three years ago we moved my mom from four hours away to live closer to us. There’s a lot of history in our relationship, and I had some concerns about the move…

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