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Our grandchildren and other family members are so important. Whether you are in a happy marriage or going through a divorce after 60, we can help! Let's talk about how to get the most from your family relationships after 60.

1 year ago

What It Means to Say “I am Not a Grandmother”

We do not usually identify ourselves by what we are not. We do not say I am not blonde or not good at knitting or I do not come from a large family. Nor do other people think about these things when they think of us…

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1 year ago

Being a Grandmother Is the Best Job in The World

I clearly remember the day the job of grandmothering started. My daughter walked in from the kitchen, carrying a dish of lasagne. She put it down on the table. She stood up and cleared her throat. ‘We have some news for you,’ she said…

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1 year ago

5 Easy Steps to Write a Legacy Letter for Family and Friends

Before Great Gram got hitched at age 20, as they used to say, she was a teacher in a one-room rural Iowa schoolhouse. After marriage, she wasn’t allowed to teach. That was written in her contract. As a teacher, she called her readin’ and writin’…

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1 year ago

10 Ways to Prioritize Your Health and Well-being While Coping with Divorce

Have you prioritized your health during your divorce? Most women would answer no. With the overwhelm and emotions from divorce, the last thing many of us think about is our health. We have a long history of taking care of everyone else, but not ourselves…

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1 year ago

Financial Umbilical Cord or Lifeline? 7 Discernment Tips for Assisting Adult Children

We are a blended family with four children. It was far from easy to deal with financial decisions as they grew up. Now ensconced in their adult lives, it continues to be challenging to discern if, when, and how to financially walk alongside them…

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1 year ago

7 Ideas for Enjoying Life Together After Retirement

It all happened so quickly, where did the years go? But here we are, the first few years into retirement already. So much to be thankful for. Anyway, it’s the road ahead that matters. And so, setting out to look at some of the ways we go about making…

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1 year ago

Does Being a Grandma Change How You Look at Your Own Grandmother?

Now we are 60 (as A.A. Milne of Christopher Robin fame might have said), we are of an age to think about grandmothers. Perhaps you are a grandmother or hoping to be one. Perhaps your friends are grandmothers…

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1 year ago

5 Ways to Be Gentle with Yourself When Dealing with Parent-Adult Child Estrangement

Parent-adult child estrangement is a complex and deeply challenging experience. It can be overwhelming, leaving parents with feelings of guilt, shame, and grief. This article offers guidance on navigating this painful journey, emphasizing…

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1 year ago

How to Help Your Marriage Survive Through to Retirement

You’ve probably read professional relationship advice about how to survive with your partner into retirement. That always comes with lots of practical instructions about working together and enjoying each other’s company. It all sounds a bit twee…

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1 year ago

This Father’s Day, Remember Your Dad with All 5 Senses

When I taught writing, I asked my students to describe their parents by using the five senses. Gosh, does this writing exercise elicit vibrant responses! Here are some words my community college students, who ranged in age from 18 to 60, used to describe…

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