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Our grandchildren and other family members are so important. Whether you are in a happy marriage or going through a divorce after 60, we can help! Let's talk about how to get the most from your family relationships after 60.

1 year ago

My Husband’s Retirement Is Driving Me Crazy

For many couples, reaching retirement feels like you finally made it. No more stress, you can make your own schedules, and you can enjoy all the things you put off. That’s the dream. The reality can often be quite different. Adjusting to retired life…

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1 year ago

How Emotional Intimacy Adds Meaning to Your Relationships After 60

What is the key to a meaningful relationship? Not just the one you have with your husband, lover, or partner, but any relationship. As we get older, our life journey becomes shorter and time becomes more precious. The answer…

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1 year ago

The Painful Truth About Unhappy Grandmothers

There are many happy grandmothers about. I know; I am one of them. We play with the kids, we bore our friends by talking about how wonderful they are and we generally feel very pleased with the way grandchildren have enhanced our lives…

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1 year ago

Should You Choose Legal Separation or Divorce?

When contemplating the termination of your marriage, the choice between legal separation and divorce can be perplexing. Although both options involve a legal procedure to dissolve the marriage, it is essential to understand…

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1 year ago

My Continuing Friendship with My Two Exes

I ask myself this question often: how did I remain good friends with not one, but two ex-husbands? First, let me say that I am eternally grateful for that. There is no magic answer, but rather an ironic one; I chose two good men. If tomorrow…

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1 year ago

Navigating Spousal Support Payments in Divorce Over 60

When couples over the age of 60 contemplate divorce, they encounter various factors that influence their decision. Despite sharing a significant portion of their lives together and often maintaining a relatively amicable divorce process…

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1 year ago

Actionable Plan for Estranged Parents Over 60

Estrangement from an adult child can be an incredibly distressing and tumultuous experience, especially for parents over 60. The deep pain and grief resulting from severed ties and the longing for reconnection can impact your emotional well-being. The uncertainty of the situation may weigh heavily on your heart, causing overwhelming waves of sadness and anxiety. […]

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1 year ago

Let’s Talk About Our Lifelong Search for Intimacy

If the infamous ‘man from Mars’ were to suddenly arrive on this earth, what would he think that people were all about? From scanning traditional media, not to mention social media, I would surmise that he would see a search for wealth…

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1 year ago

6 Know-It-All Statements New Widows Don’t Want to Hear (and Alternatives That Are Actually Helpful)

Perhaps because my late husband was a pastor, some people thought they were helpful after Tom’s death to tell me, “God needed another angel in heaven.” (Wrong! I needed that angel beside me, not gone away.) Or they said, “I know exactly how you feel…

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1 year ago

What Is Skip-Gen Travel and Why Is It Trending?

The definition of skip-gen travel is simple: grandparents traveling with grandkids without the parents along (i.e., skipping the “middle” generation). Why is it becoming so popular? That’s simple, too: it’s the perfect win-win-win situation!

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