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Marie Burns, a Certified Financial Planner (CFP®), advocates for women’s financial health. She is an author of a financial checklist book series, speaker, podcast host and partners with clients to offer friendly financial advice in her independent practice Visit her at or

Latest Posts By Marie Burns

2 years ago

The Terror of Inheriting a Mess: Part 1

What do you do when you inherit a mess? Where do you start? How do you move forward? Part of one woman’s solution, Heather Parker, was to become an estate planning attorney to help others avoid the same mess she experienced in her family…

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2 years ago

3 Ways to Leave a Legacy, Not a Mess!

When we hear the term “legacy” we often think of leaving millions of dollars to heirs, so most of us decide “well, that sure doesn’t apply to me!” and we stop thinking about it. However, the word legacy simply refers to passing…

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2 years ago

“To Each His Own”: A Frustrating Requirement You Need to Understand

Normally, when you hear or say the phrase “to each his own” you are likely shrugging and recognizing that things can be different for different people. And it’s no big deal. But when it applies to your financial power of attorney document…

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2 years ago

The Rainbow Really Does Lead to a Pot of Gold!

The whole premise of my education business, Mind Money Motion, is that the more we take care of our mind and body, the less we have to worry about running out of money… because good health costs less…

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2 years ago

What’s in a Name? Be Sure Yours Is Correct!

Let’s talk about your name. You may love your name, or think it’s just okay, or wish you had a different name, and these days, you can legally change your name if you want. But that’s not really the name that we need to make sure…

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2 years ago

Before You Go… Don’t Forget Your Pets!

Making arrangements for your home or apartment before leaving for a vacation can feel like a daunting task when you think about all that needs to be done. Depending on how long you will be gone, you likely need to think about: having the mail/newspaper held…

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2 years ago

Before You Go… Ask Yourself if You Are REALLY Ready

Are you ready for some stress-free summer travels? What favorite summer vacations do you remember from childhood? Any “trips to remember” stories? As a kid, we had no worries, no stress, just jumped in the vehicle when it was time to leave, right?

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2 years ago

What Advice Would You Give to Your Graduating Grandchildren?

We always think holiday time in November and December is so busy, but if you are a parent or grandparent, have you ever realized how busy summer is? Last days of school, finals, graduations, Memorial Day, vacations, 4th of July… whew!

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2 years ago

The Financial Freebie Frenzy – or Do We Know How to Manage Our Money? (VIDEO)

Have you tried a tongue twister in a while? Try saying “financial freebie frenzy” three times fast! I am referring to all of the great attention the topic of financial literacy gets every April, which has been happening every year since 2004 when…

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2 years ago

An Epidemic of Another Kind: Financial Illiteracy Among Young and Old

Quarantine. Lockdown. Shelter in place. Social distancing. Covid-19. Who heard of these terms before, or even knew what they meant – let alone were intentionally living them every day – until 2020!? Hopefully, going forward, none of us will spend…

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