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Margaret Manning is the founder of Sixty and Me. She is an entrepreneur, author and speaker. Margaret is passionate about building dynamic and engaged communities that improve lives and change perceptions. Margaret can be contacted at

Latest Posts By Margaret Manning

9 years ago

Richard Gere vs. Paul McCartney – Who’s Really the Sexiest Man Over 60?

When I asked the women in our Sixty and Me community to vote on this year’s “Sexiest Man Over 60,” Richard Gere emerged as the clear winner. Read More

9 years ago

Don’t Ignore the Warning Signs of Loneliness After 50

We all have moments where we want to be alone. Many older women have built defenses around feelings that are painful or things that they don’t want in their lives. They know themselves well enough to know when to shut the door and be alone. Read More

9 years ago

How Comfortable Do You Feel with Your Retirement Savings?

Baby boomers have diverse opinions about what makes the “perfect retirement”. In fact, most of us aren’t planning on retiring at all, at least in a traditional sense. Instead, the majority of baby boomers say that they want to continue to work past retirement age, either in their existing job or by starting a new career. The rest are looking forward to taking a well-deserved break after decades in the workforce. Read More

9 years ago

Do You Still Want to Feel Sexy After 60? (Poll)

One of the biggest myths about aging is that women over 60 no longer care about how they look. This is definitely not true. Most of us still care about how we look, even if the world expects us to be invisible. At the same time, I have to wonder whether the focus of our attention shifts. For example, do most of us still care about being “sexy” in our 60s? Or, do we care more about being “desirable,” “visible,” or “needed?”

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9 years ago

Who is the Most Inspirational Actress Over 50?

When it comes to ageism in Hollywood, the winds of change may soon become a hurricane. Over the last few years, numerous celebrities, including Antonio Banderas and Madonna have spoken out against the evils of ageism. Of course, age discrimination is not limited to Hollywood. Far from it! But, having a few powerful voices on our side can’t hurt. Read More

9 years ago

4 Ways to Use Nostalgia to Create a Healthier, Happier Life

When I interviewed developmental molecular biologist (try saying that 3 times fast) John Medina about how to keep your brain healthy after 60, he was full of useful advice. For the most part, his recommendations fell into the “things we know in our hearts that we should be doing” category – getting more exercise, improving our sleep and learning to deal with stress. Read More

9 years ago

Are We Really “Clueless” Before Age 50?

Being a woman is hard work. For most of our lives, we are battered around by external and internal forces alike. As girlfriends, mothers, wives, colleagues and grandmothers, we have to deal with the expectations of others. At the same time, we are often our own worst critics. We worry about how we look. We criticize our own decisions. We worry about the future. And on… and on. Read More

9 years ago

Should Hollywood Embrace Sex After 50?

If you watch a random assortment of Hollywood movies, you could be forgiven for believing that the only people who have sex are in their 20s and, occasionally, 30s. When people in their 50s and older engage in an on-screen romance, their relationship is typically portrayed as sweet, cute and humorous. Read More

9 years ago

Is Your TV Killing Your Happiness and Making You Lonely?

I have terrible news. There is a killer in your living room. Even worse, you probably think that this particular assassin is your friend. After all, he says all the right things. He entertains you. He even keeps you company at night. Unfortunately, this killer also has a hidden agenda – he wants to keep you isolated, dependent and worried. Why? To steal money for his employers.

No, I’m not talking about a member of your family, a friend or your Scottish Terrier. I’m talking about your TV. Read More

9 years ago

Is Healthy Aging a Priority for You? Say “Yes” to these 9 Things

Staying healthy is one of the biggest priorities for most women over 60, including myself. We all want to experience healthy aging so that we can enjoy everything that life has to offer in the decades ahead. Read More