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Margaret Manning is the founder of Sixty and Me. She is an entrepreneur, author and speaker. Margaret is passionate about building dynamic and engaged communities that improve lives and change perceptions. Margaret can be contacted at

Latest Posts By Margaret Manning

9 years ago

Why “The Four Hour Workweek” Should be Required Reading for Pre-Retirees

By now, you’ve probably already heard of Tim Ferriss, the author of the New York Times Best Seller “The Four Hour Workweek.” If so, you may have the impression that Tim Ferriss’ advice is mostly aimed at people in their 20s and 30s who want to quit their job and travel around the world. Read More

9 years ago

Meryl Streep Has Had Enough of Ageism

Hollywood has never taken a particularly positive view on aging. In the movies, older characters are usually portrayed as “over the hill,” grumpy and out of touch. The aging process itself is usually presented as something to be feared, not embraced. Read More

9 years ago

Sandra Bullock is People Magazine’s “Most Beautiful Woman” – But, is She Real?

I have mixed feelings about Sandra Bullock being promoted as People’s “most beautiful woman” for 2015. On the one hand, it’s wonderful to see a 50-year-old woman being held up as a symbol of beauty. In addition, Bullock has always struck me as a genuine person, who cares about her family and the world around her. Read More

9 years ago

Is Dating Over 50 Really Better than at Other Times?

If you believe the dating sites, dating over 50 is easy, fun and stress-free. Some services have even gone so far as to say that dating in your 50s and 60s is better than at any other age. But, is this really true? Or, are dating sites simply looking for new ways to separate us from our money? Read More

9 years ago

Let’s Celebrate the Wilder Women Among Us

If you have been following Sixty and Me for a while, you are probably very aware that I consider the idea that women over 60 should “age gracefully” as being somewhat outdated. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with taking it easy – if that’s what you want – but, the idea that older women should be seen and not heard really annoys me. Read More

9 years ago

The Secret Ways that Childhood Books Influence Our Lives

I love books. I always have. When I was younger, books were my escape, my education and my entertainment. They allowed me to grow and learn and to slip into places to discover parts of myself that were not defined by the outside world. Read More

9 years ago

How Old is Old? Is 60 Really the New 40?

How old is old? In most western countries, retirement age is the milestone after which someone becomes “elderly” or a “senior.” But, is this really fair? After all, in 1930, around the time that Social Security was established, a 65-year-old woman could expect to live 12.8 years. By contrast, a woman that turned 65 in 2009 could expect to live 20.3 years. Read More

9 years ago

Feeling Alone? These 6 Volunteering Websites Will Help You Make Friends

Loneliness is a huge issue for Baby Boomer women. Many women in their 60s are living alone and, while some of these women are enjoying their new found independence, others find themselves feeling like their lives lack purpose or direction without close social ties. In fact, in a recent Sixty and Me survey, 75% of the women in our community said that they are feeling alone. Read More

9 years ago

Saying “Yes” to Happiness After 60 Starts by Saying “No” to Everything Else

Do you every feel like life takes on a momentum of its own? I know I do! As we pass through the decades of our lives, one decision blends into the next. Finally, as we reach our 60s and we finally have time to evaluate our lives, it’s easy to wonder “how did I get here?” Read More

9 years ago

What’s More Important for Healthy Aging – Genetics or Behaviors?

Reporters love to write about the “strange tricks” that people use to reach their 100th birthdays in surprisingly good health. According to this article, centenarians have credited all kinds of “secrets” to a long and healthy live, including: olive oil, friends, a good cigar, laughter, volunteering, love and scotch. Read More