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Fran Braga Meininger writes personal narratives about the years beyond youth, a time in a woman’s life that can be vibrant, fulfilling, and wonderful, despite – or perhaps because of – all that comes with age. She lives in northern California where she hikes, bikes and lives life in big bites. You can visit her website at

Latest Posts By Fran Braga Meininger

2 years ago

Cultivating a Sense of Wonder by Opening Up to Curiosity

Do you remember what it was like to be a curious child with such an insatiable appetite for new experiences, you rushed into your day with boundless energy and enthusiasm? Perhaps it’s not always that way now. I know, it’s changed…

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2 years ago

Addicted to My To-Do List

A prolonged rainstorm trapping me indoors and the arrival of a three-month-old puppy, who required my attention to securely settle into her new home, presented me with weeks of unscheduled time – time that would otherwise have been spent…

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2 years ago

7 Ways to Foster Honest Conversation in Troubling Times

We’re programmed to face chin up and cheerful into whatever life brings. The etiquette of our upbringing in the 50s and 60s warned that people don’t want to hear our problems, only to exchange pleasantries and move along…

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2 years ago

Mature Women Are More Than Just Skin Deep

As a writer, my audience consists of women of a certain era. Those of us who now occupy the years beyond youth. I am my own demographic, and I write from personal experience about exploring options and deciding what we want…

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2 years ago

Writing through the Slump – Tips for Overcoming Writer’s Block

I must have a dozen essays sitting in my – To Be Continued – file right now. Some are the beginning of something worth finishing, while others are mere musings and early morning attempts to capture some sort of divine inspiration…

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2 years ago

5 Evergreen Truths to Mindfully Becoming an Elder

Many people dislike the word elder. I never had a reaction to it because I never really thought of myself in those terms. But a recent spontaneous and heart-warming exchange made me realize…

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2 years ago

Growing Older in a Stronger Body

Like many women my age, I had noticed a distinct difference in my muscle mass and strength. It was obvious my usual workout was not keeping pace with the age related decline and a pain in my left hip was taking the joy out of the long…

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2 years ago

6 Tips for Cooking Deliciously in Small Servings

While restaurants have adapted and re-adapted to the “new” safety standards, many people still choose to cook at home, leaving us faced with how to make nutritious, creative, and inviting meals for one or two people…

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2 years ago

The Joy of New Friendships and the Comfort of the Lifelong Ones

There was a song, more of a jingle really, when I was growing up, Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver and the other gold. It never made much sense to me then. I was too young and all my friendships were relatively new…

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2 years ago

How I Learned to Hike Solo while Staying Safe on the Trails

Wandering along a gently flowing creek on a warm summer day has been a favorite outing most of my life. I’ve never felt the urge to venture out on backpacking or backcountry excursions, but a day hike up into the hills…

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