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Elise Christian works at Rest Less UK: a place dedicated to inspiring and empowering people over 50 to make the most of the next chapter of their lives. You can find her on

Latest Posts By Elise Christian

4 years ago

Need a Job During the Lockdown? Why Not Consider Farm Work?

If you were looking for work when the lockdown began or have since lost your job, then you may be concerned about navigating the job market during these unprecedented times…

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4 years ago

5 Ways to Look After Your Mental and Physical Health During Coronavirus Quarantine

The main thing that many of us are struggling with during the coronavirus quarantine is the feeling of uncertainty. The majority of us have never experienced a pandemic like this in our lifetime…

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5 years ago

5 Career Change Ideas Where You Can Make the Most of Your Life Experience

If you’re thinking about making a career change in your 60s, then it’s worth looking at roles that will allow you to really make the most of your life experience…

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