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Elise Christian works at Rest Less UK: a place dedicated to inspiring and empowering people over 50 to make the most of the next chapter of their lives. You can find her on

Latest Posts By Elise Christian

8 months ago

5 Career Change Ideas That Involve Working with Animals

If you’re looking to make a career change in your 60s, then it can help to start by considering what you’re passionate about. For an animal lover, getting to spend all day hanging out with a bunch of furry friends…

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8 months ago

5 Unique and Beautiful Houseplants to Cheer Up Your Home

Research shows that houseplants can improve concentration and productivity. They can also reduce stress and anxiety and have a mood-boosting effect. So, it’s perhaps unsurprising that many people who start off by caring for a single houseplant, often…

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1 year ago

Finding Yourself: 5 Steps Towards Self-Discovery

There’s no relationship more important than the one that we have with ourselves. And taking the time to really hone that relationship and get comfortable in our own skin can be a huge step towards learning to trust ourselves, finding true happiness…

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1 year ago

How to Move Past Guilt and Forgive Yourself

Guilt is something that nearly all of us struggle with at one time or another. Sometimes in small ways – but other times, feelings of guilt can be so strong that they can become debilitating. There are endless reasons why we can feel guilty about something…

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2 years ago

Are You Emotionally Ready to Retire? Here Are 5 Questions to Help You Decide

If you’re thinking about retiring in the next few months or years, then chances are, there will be a number of different factors affecting your decision. As well as considerations about how retirement will affect health and happiness; it’s also now necessary to take into account…

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2 years ago

7 Women Over 60 Who Are Doing Incredible Things in the World of Fitness

The landscape of women’s fitness is changing for the better, with a greater focus being placed on empowerment, health, and wellbeing. Although the history of women’s fitness is complicated, what we do know is that personal fitness…

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2 years ago

Job Search Getting You Down After 60? These 6 Tips May Give You the Pick-Me-Up You Need

Looking for a job in your 60s can feel similar to riding a wave. On one hand, you may welcome the chance to hit the restart button on your career and gain a fresh sense of purpose…

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2 years ago

Over 60 and Looking for a Job? Here’s 10 Tips to Get You Started

Looking for a job in your 60s can be a real challenge. For starters, you may not have expected to be in a position to have to look for work at this age. A six-year increase to the women’s state pension age in less than 10 years is a huge shift…

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2 years ago

5 Ways to Start Enjoying Your Own Company

As the temperature drops and the nights draw in, many of us will be spending more time at home. While there are plenty of benefits to this, such as having cosy evenings snuggled up with a good film or more time to get stuck into home-based…

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2 years ago

How to Deal with Discrimination at Work

Thousands of people across the globe experience discrimination at work every year, so it’s important to know what to do if it happens to you. To discriminate against someone means to treat them unfairly because of who…

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