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Becki Cohn-Vargas, Ed.D, has been blogging regularly for Sixty and Me since 2015. She is a retired educator and independent consultant. She's the co-author of three books on identity safe schools where students of all backgrounds flourish. Becki and her husband live in the San Francisco Bay Area and have three adult children and one grandchild. You can connect with her at the links below.

Latest Posts By Becki Cohn-Vargas

2 years ago

Tough Career Ending? Bounce Back and Get Ready for Retirement!

I am not the only person I know in my 60s who had a bad work experience at the end of their career. One friend was in his hospital bed after cancer surgery when his boss told him he was being forced to retire. Another friend worked…

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2 years ago

Jane Goodall’s Five Reasons for Hope and One More from Me

Some days I want to cry out in the words of the 1960s Broadway play Stop the World, I Want to Get Off. The overwhelming problems that face humanity sometimes seem too big to handle. Recently, I needed an extra dose of inspiration…

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3 years ago

Showing Gratitude to Essential Workers

This week is the second anniversary of the California Covid 19 shelter-in-place order. What comes to your mind as you reflect on the pandemic over the last two years? How was your life impacted? What were the experiences of your family and friends?

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3 years ago

7 Things You Can Do When Experiencing Moments of Vulnerability and Anxiety

Recently, a friend told me about feeling increased anxiety. She had had a kidney transplant over 20 years ago, but, now in her 60s, she finds herself getting very upset with any new physical symptom…

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3 years ago

Learning to Find Beauty Around Us

It is so easy to forget the beauty that surrounds us in our lives – no matter who we are or where we live. Of course, that does not wipe out sadness or misfortune, but beauty can uplift us even in the darkest moments. It also can remind us to feel…

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3 years ago

Letting Go and the Art of Parenting Adult Children

While I am hoping to be a grandma one day soon, holding baby Ezra made me think about the stages of being a parent. I realized that parenting adult children is actually another stage. So I did what any modern parent does, I googled it. Where’s the Advice for Parents of Adult Children?

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3 years ago

Sleeping Well After 60: Dos and Don’ts Backed by the Latest Sleep Research

How did you sleep last night? I was up at 3:30 a.m. and found myself finishing Why We Sleep by neuro-scientist and sleep researcher, Matthew Walker. I had always been a good sleeper. That is, until I hit my 60s…

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3 years ago

Eva Cohn’s Lessons on Resilience and Healing in Times of Hardship

If you’ve lived to reach your 60s, most likely you’re a resilient person who has been around the block a few times. Take a minute to think back to a time in your life when you faced a tragic or a traumatic experience. How did you manage to survive and move forward?

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3 years ago

The Artful Life: Reconnecting with Your Creativity in Midlife and Beyond

Life is full of comparisons. As employees, our performance is measured against our coworkers. As mothers, we worry about whether we are doing good enough – compared to whom, by the way?

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3 years ago

Four Tips for Healing Based on the SEL Movement

Healing can happen whether or not we have an incurable disease. Curing a condition occurs physically, but healing can take place on an emotional and spiritual level. Once you have a cancer diagnosis, your life is forever changed. At least, that is what…

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