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Living life after 60 involves a little - or a lot - of change. It all depends on your preferences. Taking in account your interests, you can have so much fun. Enjoy this category of articles to learn about technology, hobbies, books, entertainment and more!

8 months ago

Books: The Power to Enchant

Reading, by its very nature, is a charming experience. Who hasn’t been carried off to a distant land or found solace in books? All humans are hard-wired for stories, and it is in the realm of magical realism that stories blend the ordinary with the mystical…

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8 months ago

Second Home: What Type Is Right for You?

One thing to remember for all second home types is the “double up” situation. This means the homeowner has the responsibility of ownership for two homes. Whether it’s do-it-yourself or hired out, there is more effort to maintaining two homes…

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8 months ago

5 Ways to Grow and Not Decay

We can easily slip (or decay) into a life that we do not want. We may not even know how it has happened. Like the saying goes, the life we counted on can “just slip away.” Our health can deteriorate. Our mental state can become confused and dull…

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8 months ago

The Joy of Writing – Is It for You?

I have always loved to write. Should you give it a try? The answer depends on what you want to do – and be. Many people think that this is a glamorous activity, but I can assure you that it is not. You sit at home on your own, in your own world…

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8 months ago

Can Long-Term Friendships Endure in Later Life?

Our girlfriends see us through the best and worst of life. In times of heartbreak, failure, and success, they are there for us. We share each other’s innermost secrets and celebrate special times together. These relationships, which can be so essential…

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8 months ago

5 Career Change Ideas That Involve Working with Animals

If you’re looking to make a career change in your 60s, then it can help to start by considering what you’re passionate about. For an animal lover, getting to spend all day hanging out with a bunch of furry friends…

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8 months ago

The Hidden Life-Changing Power of Decluttering

Who could have guessed that the cathartic process of purging and decluttering one woman’s home one drawer, one closet, one room at a time could change the direction and trajectory of life forever? What began as an attempt to help…

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8 months ago

How I Use My Lazy Gene to Uplevel My Weight Loss Success

Let me say right off the bat that there’s nothing special about me (my grandma wasn’t a Rockette and my people never brought home the gold). True to my genetics, I was “well-insulated” for three-plus decades of life. Never reedy, I always looked…

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8 months ago

My Love-Hate Relationship with HOAs

Do you own a property located within a Homeowners Association? Do you have or hear horror stories from friends and family dealing with Homeowners Associations? I’ve got a few to share, and I am betting many of you do, too! Homeowners Associations…

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8 months ago

Embracing Change and Cultivating Fulfillment: A Life Coach’s Guide to Thriving in Your 60s and Beyond

At a time when the saying “life is too short” resonates more deeply, the idea of settling into a stagnant existence in later years is rapidly and happily becoming obsolete! The millennial and Z generations, with their emphasis on passion, purpose…

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