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Living life after 60 involves a little - or a lot - of change. It all depends on your preferences. Taking in account your interests, you can have so much fun. Enjoy this category of articles to learn about technology, hobbies, books, entertainment and more!

3 years ago

5 Tips to Help Our 55+ Generation Navigate Their New Holiday Tech Gadgets

Each chapter of the Covid pandemic has driven usage of personal digital technology and services among older generations to all-time highs. But as users become increasingly more dependent on tech to break from isolation, the digital divide…

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3 years ago

Name It and Claim It – How Gratitude Can Boost Your Life

There’s a concept in psychology that can be readily summed up with, “Name it and claim it.” In a nutshell, it says that once you figure out the emotion that lies beneath your frustration, pain or anger, as in “name it,” you can then deal…

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3 years ago

Start Planning Now for the Best 2022 Feelgood Moments

We hear so much today about ‘living your best life’ that, without the benefit of age and wisdom, it would be easy to imagine that everyone around us was managing to do exactly that. In fact, the clue in the phrase is in the word ‘your’…

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3 years ago

Paying Homage to the First Known Writer, Enheduanna of Akkad

Once again, I ended the year by putting thoughts on paper, considering that the many books and articles I have read provided excellent storytelling, gave helpful information on health and wellness, or simply supplied poetic verses that pleased my soul…

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3 years ago

9 Ideas for Managing Dark Days

Now that the holidays are over, there is no getting around the fact that there is still a long winter to get through. Even in a pandemic, planning for holidays was a distraction from the fact that we are mostly still stuck at home, missing close contact with family…

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3 years ago

Five Books to Kick Off 2022

Many of my friends make book-reading resolutions each year. They might set up a personal Reading Challenge on Goodreads, a free book recommendation site. Bookworms decide how many books they’d like to read in the next 365…

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3 years ago

What Would You Replace First?

If you lost your home and everything that you own, through a natural disaster or a physical disaster like a fire or flood, what would you replace first? I’m not kidding, think about it! Of course, the devastation would be tremendous, but you have to move forward…

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3 years ago

9 Unusual New Year’s Eve Traditions Around the World

Well, what a year it has been! Everyone is looking forward to 2022. So, let the celebrations begin! Let’s welcome in 2022 with hope, good health, and a positive outlook on life. How do you spend your New Year’s Eve? There are various…

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3 years ago

Are Your Cookbooks Like Candy?

What do you think about your cookbook collection? Do you love it? How often do you use your cookbooks? Or are they just for show, taking up valuable space on your kitchen shelves? Here’s how I think of my cookbooks… they’re like candy…

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3 years ago

Let’s Start the New Year with Purpose

After the challenges of the past two years, most of us are looking forward to the hope that comes with a New Year. For many people, that means making a list of new year’s resolutions or a “resolve” to replace bad habits like regularly eating…

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