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Living life after 60 involves a little - or a lot - of change. It all depends on your preferences. Taking in account your interests, you can have so much fun. Enjoy this category of articles to learn about technology, hobbies, books, entertainment and more!

7 months ago

Feeling Stuck? Unlock the Answers Within

I collect magazines. It doesn’t matter how old or out of date they are, as long as they have pictures, they work for me. Friends know about my penchant and pass on their publications when they’ve finished with them. I’ve amassed a stunning variety…

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7 months ago

My Downsizing Journey and Pet Memories

I remember the morning 13+ years ago when I woke up still in Brazil thanks to lingering jet lag. I had just spent a beautiful Christmas with my son and his wife in Cumbuco, Brazil. Spending a week by a sparkling beach in a simple and minimalist flat…

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7 months ago

What Now? When You Never Expected to Be Living Alone

Life has a way of throwing curveballs. Perhaps you are married, but your spouse has dementia or a serious illness. You are still independent and healthy and taking care of your spouse. But, if you ever need help, who will be there for you?

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7 months ago

7 Ways to Stay Tech-Savvy During the Second Half and Why It Computes

Aging fearlessly in an ever-advancing modern world requires many inputs – a sensible diet, routine physical exercise, medical maintenance and smart financial planning, to name a few. But none of these efforts are successful without a command…

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7 months ago

Driving: A Right or a Privilege in Old Age?

From time to time, there is an item in the news concerning old people and driving. One of my favourites concerned the late Duke of Edinburgh who had a car accident when he was in his late 90s. The car he was driving had ended up on its side…

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7 months ago

How to Love Your Family, Even After You’re Gone

In this month of “love” I think it’s appropriate to share a blog from Pastor Jack, from Avondale Baptist Church in Arizona. He wrote a blog for his congregation a few years ago about how to love your wife even after you’re gone and I requested…

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7 months ago

How to Write Condolence Notes: 8 Tips That Might Come in Handy

I recently poured out my heart to a colleague about my guilt at two condolence notes left unwritten. One note was intended for a colleague whose sister had died, though I’d heard about the death long after the funeral had taken place…

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7 months ago

3 Ways Virtual Reality Can Help Dementia Patients

According to a study by the University of Kent in the UK, virtual reality can help people with dementia recall old memories and improve language and reasoning skills often caused by Alzheimer’s. At the SXSW panel in Austin, Texas, researchers…

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7 months ago

The Art and Science of Planning Personal Development

Embarking on the journey of personal development is a transformative endeavour. You might just find it holds the key to unlocking your true potential. However, the path to personal growth is not serendipitous. It has to be thoughtfully…

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7 months ago

Music for the Ages: The Wheel That Makes Life Transitions Bearable

The music of my youth was more than melody and words. It was a kind of guidance into adult life, a soundtrack for thoughts and feelings that I didn’t know how to reach on my own but were given to me by the likes of Carole King, Joni Mitchell…

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