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Living life after 60 involves a little - or a lot - of change. It all depends on your preferences. Taking in account your interests, you can have so much fun. Enjoy this category of articles to learn about technology, hobbies, books, entertainment and more!

2 years ago

How to Romance Your Body This Summer

Summer kisses come one at a time. First, the warm breezes that puff around my shoulders and warm my heart. Next is the sweetest fragrance of wild honeysuckle that hides in the hedgerows. Then come the buzzing of bees as they search…

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2 years ago

10 Steps to Help You Plan to Achieve What’s on Your Bucket List

We all have a mental “bucket list” that includes all those things we want to do, places we want to visit, people we want to meet before we die. The fact that these items are on our “bucket list” indicates they mean something to us…

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2 years ago

Does Creativity Decline as You Age? (Hint: Not a Chance)

Lately, with all the extra time and space provided by social distancing, it’s a good thing if you’ve been ruminating over questions like: What’s my plan for the next couple decades?

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2 years ago

Ending Ageism Creatively: Exposing Harmful Stereotypes of Older People

Can you spot the ageism in this headline for a health article in Best Life magazine?  20 Easy Ways to Look a Decade Younger: From Sunup to Sundown, Here’s a Full-Day’s Worth of Hacks to Make Sure You Always Look Your Absolute Best Meg LaPorte says this kind of fear-based marketing aimed at older adults […]

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2 years ago

The Post-Menopausal Artist – Never Too Late to Start Doing Something You Love

I think of myself as a “post-menopausal artist.” I was a little over 60 when I surprised myself and started painting. I walked into an art supplies store and bought some acrylic paint, paper, and brushes…

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2 years ago

Trigger Warnings – Should We Be Aware That Death Is Part of the Story?

Whether we pick up a book or go to see a play, we don’t always know what the plot is all about. And sometimes that makes it even more interesting. But is that always the case? Here I offer my thoughts on three works:

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2 years ago

Before You Go… Ask Yourself if You Are REALLY Ready

Are you ready for some stress-free summer travels? What favorite summer vacations do you remember from childhood? Any “trips to remember” stories? As a kid, we had no worries, no stress, just jumped in the vehicle when it was time to leave, right?

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2 years ago

Looking and Feeling Young… Beyond 80!

It has been my ‘lot’ in life to always look younger than I am. It doesn’t help that I am also small. There are a number of people like me about. I am sure we would all agree that it was terrible when we were younger…

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2 years ago

Feeling Is Believing: The Missing Key to a Home Sweet Home

Have you ever walked into a beautifully designed space, maybe your own, and sensed the “vibes” still weren’t right? Or maybe you feel like you don’t belong in your own home; that it doesn’t reflect the real you. Something is missing…

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2 years ago

Feeling Overwhelmed and FOMO – The Downside of the World Wide Web

Few would dispute that the world wide web has revolutionized our lives. But, as with many good things, there is also a downside that requires a management strategy. I do not profess to have a solution, as I myself lurch between excitement…

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