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Living life after 60 involves a little - or a lot - of change. It all depends on your preferences. Taking in account your interests, you can have so much fun. Enjoy this category of articles to learn about technology, hobbies, books, entertainment and more!

2 years ago

Making Friends on Foreign Shores Is an Adventure

Developing friendships on foreign shores is an acid test of fortitude. Each time zone crossed takes you further into unchartered territory. Different languages. Tweaked cultural and social mores. You’ve transplanted yourself into a world…

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2 years ago

3 Steps to Take When Holidays Are Tough

For many of the women in this community, the holidays are not easy. We may be facing a holiday without a loved one. We might be apart from our families for whatever reason. We might be having a good holiday season but find ourselves…

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2 years ago

What’s the Deal with To-Do Lists?

Today was a special and very rare day (it will be several days ago by the time you read this, but that is unimportant). Did I win the lottery? Was a new grandchild born? Did my hair suddenly stop being grey?

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2 years ago

Gaslighting! Word of the Year but Nothing New

Gaslighting. What does the word evoke? I planned on writing an article about it, but Merriam-Webster beat me to it, crowning gaslighting as the word of the year. Therapists have been familiar with gaslighting prior to its 2022 coronation…

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2 years ago

Writing Your Memoir and Why it Matters – Part 2

In a previous blog we touched upon the importance of identifying themes when writing your memoir. Here we will examine and explore what happens after you’ve outlined your book themes. That will enable you to plot a patchwork story…

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2 years ago

How to Invite Nature Indoors for Better Mental Health

Spending time outdoors in a park, gardening, enjoying a picnic, or forest bathing improves our moods and mental health. But when we can’t go outdoors and connect to nature to feel better, especially now in the winter, we can try to bring…

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2 years ago

Sixty and Me Community Survey 

Sixty and Me only exists thanks to you, our wonderful community. As we come to the end of another year, we are already looking ahead to how we can make 2023 our best year yet. We have no doubt that 2023 is going to be the year of the older woman…

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2 years ago

How to Keep Your Poinsettia Looking Its Best Through the Holidays

Poinsettias are a favorite holiday plant to give and receive, but they can present a bit of a challenge – and perhaps some frustration – as you watch this beautiful plant decline each day. If it makes you feel any better, you are not alone…

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2 years ago

Gift Ideas from Grandparents: What’s a Mimi to Do?

I have evolved over the years in my thinking around gift-giving to children as well as grandchildren. Perhaps you have, too? It’s a blessing that in many situations our grandchildren don’t “need” anything that their parents can’t already provide for them…

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2 years ago

Getting to Know My Ancestors Took Years

When it came to researching my family history, I was lucky. My aunt had done much of the groundwork for me. She spent her retirement years travelling between Australia and England investigating our ancestry going back to the 16th century…

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