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Living life after 60 involves a little - or a lot - of change. It all depends on your preferences. Taking in account your interests, you can have so much fun. Enjoy this category of articles to learn about technology, hobbies, books, entertainment and more!

2 years ago

8 Guilty Pleasures that Make the Holidays Even More Fun

I swear to you that I am not a bah, humbug kind of person. In fact, I love the holidays, and one of the things that I most look forward to is that business slows, relatives eventually go home and I have hit every bullet point on my Christmas “To-Do” list…

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2 years ago

Searching for a Roommate Online? How to Protect Yourself from the Most Common Scams

Open to the idea of living with a roommate to save on monthly costs, but worried about charting the unknown on internet listing sites? Having a hard time keeping up with all of the latest scams that may pop up during an online roommate search?

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2 years ago

How to Navigate the New Year One Step at a Time

Like many people, I select a one-word intention at the start of a new year. It’s gentler than a resolution and more akin to a promise. I watch for opportunities to put it into practice, and I use it as a barometer to make decisions…

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2 years ago

Attention Mature Women: Airlines Love Flight Attendants Over 40!

Do you fly frequently? Have you noticed that very young flight attendants are not the norm anymore? That’s because airlines are hiring and training brand new flight attendants in their 40s, 50s, and even 60s!

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2 years ago

Yes, Virginia, You Can Indulge in Low Calorie Holiday Drinks: Your Ultimate Guide

I love a tasty buzz as much as the next girl, but at the same time I don’t want to drink what are essentially boozy desserts and run screaming from my scale on New Year’s Day. Having maintained my loss for years now, I have zero interest…

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2 years ago

Twelve Favorite Books in 2022

In my reading life, I did something different this year. I kept track of all the books I read, along with comments about what I liked or disliked. Friends often ask me to recommend a book, and this method helps me remember what I read two…

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2 years ago

How to Fight the Feeling of Being Alone During the Holidays (Video)

Living solo doesn’t necessarily equate to having no family members, a partner or adult children. Simply put, it means we’re alone most of the time. For many single individuals, we celebrate the holidays and special events on our own…

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2 years ago

How to Write a Book About Your Family History

I can’t and don’t intend to tell anyone how to write a book. Every writer goes about their task in a different way, and while rules do exist – readability is key, for a start – they are also there to be broken. I had never written a book before…

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2 years ago

Oil or Acrylic Paint? Use Both and Improve Your Painting Quickly

Over the years a popular question from new artists is, why paint in oils? After all, we perceive oils as more expensive and dad for your health. Plus, the solvents are dangerous. Oil paints are also difficult to use. Paint in acrylics and remove all these worries…

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2 years ago

One Year Later, The Road Ahead: I Just Retired

My first post-retirement article, “The Road Ahead: I Just Retired,” captured my mindset once the dust settled. It’s a good starting point to reflect on my first year of retirement. Looking at reality vs. expectations, the unexpected, and where my thoughts…

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