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Living life after 60 involves a little - or a lot - of change. It all depends on your preferences. Taking in account your interests, you can have so much fun. Enjoy this category of articles to learn about technology, hobbies, books, entertainment and more!

1 year ago

Can You Relate to These Common Estate Planning Mistakes? (VIDEO)

When you stop and think about it, choosing to do nothing in advance about something negative that is guaranteed to happen seems illogical, doesn’t it? And yet, human nature is that we avoid thinking about negative things, which is why…

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1 year ago

Stop Beating Yourself Up! Embrace Your Clutter! (Well, Some of It Anyway)

I recently paid a high price to figure out I can’t and won’t get rid of all my clutter. Even my “throw-it-all-out” husband colluded with me in this discovery. I say this after: Putting 30 garbage bags full of my clothes out for a porch pickup from Purple Heart…

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1 year ago

Don’t Let Negative Thoughts Damage Your Health

Ever noticed how one negative thought about something leads to another and another and another? Like not hearing your alarm and oversleeping. Right away, it starts. “Oh darn, I’m going to be late!” Then the onslaught begins: “I won’t have time for breakfast…

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1 year ago

5 Best Audiobook Apps

Have you become an audiobook lover? Audiobooks are gaining popularity among people of all ages for various reasons. To enjoy audiobooks on your devices, you’ll need an audiobook app or platform…

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1 year ago

Have You Become the Designated Family Photo Historian?

Becoming the family photo historian can come about in different ways: you may have volunteered for the position, or, like me, you may have had it thrust upon you. Either way, dealing with the responsibility and logistics of it all can be somewhat overwhelming…

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1 year ago

Retirement Goals Fading Away? Here’s How to Get Back on Track

Do you reach the middle of the year and wonder what happened in the past six months? It can be a shock to discover that your resolutions are lying in shreds or have been forgotten. What about the plans you had to start new creative projects…

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1 year ago

It’s Simple to Be Healthy in Old Age

This blog is about my experiences and practices because this is what I know. I feel happy, positive and vibrant at 89. Do you feel the same at your age? There are 4 things that contribute to optimum health as we age. These are diet (40%), physical activity…

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1 year ago

Change Your Thinking… About Drinking

We’ve been brainwashed for decades into believing that alcohol is fun, essential for socializing and will help us to relax. The combination of marketing and social pressure has left us with “false beliefs” about the necessity of drinking alcohol…

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1 year ago

Vitality Domain #4 – Friendship and Love are Good for Your Health

Loneliness is associated with early mortality. Loneliness is not about feeling isolated socially; it is a deep feeling of being alone in the world. Some have described our modern-day situation as an “epidemic of loneliness…

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1 year ago

Is It Time to Face and Purge Your Closet?

You can learn a lot about a woman by looking at her closet. Some closet spaces are tidy and arranged by color while others are in disarray with heaps of clothes that didn’t quite make it onto a hangar. I think that the way we feel about our aging bodies…

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