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Living life after 60 involves a little - or a lot - of change. It all depends on your preferences. Taking in account your interests, you can have so much fun. Enjoy this category of articles to learn about technology, hobbies, books, entertainment and more!

1 year ago

7 Easy-to-Implement, Fast-to-Accomplish Hacks to Reset and Refresh Your Life at Home

Especially as we grow in years, our home is the only place where we have a sense of total control over our lives. Everything else, the “outside world,” is not under our command (at least not completely). Our homes are places of recreation…

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1 year ago

7 Home Business Ideas for Food Lovers

There are people who thrive on takeout and then there are gourmands. If you have a passion for trying out new cuisines, dabbling in the kitchen, and producing works of culinary art, you have the option of using your hobby to your advantage…

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1 year ago

Have You Considered Retiring to a New Country?

Here’s a question. Say you are one of a couple, or just yourself if unattached, and you expect to work for maybe 10 more years, and then retire. If someone asked you to describe in a few sentences what you expected life to be like about 15 years…

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1 year ago

A List of Vacation Book Reviews

Summer reads – what a joy to curl up with a hefty book and let the hours spin. I’m off to Spring Green, WI for a family and theater (American Players Theater) holiday. My selected book for the trip is so long it must be on Kindle! I’ve never enjoyed “beach reads”…

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1 year ago

7 Ways Sobriety Sets You Free!

In my eighth year of sobriety, I’ve gained enough perspective to see how alcohol had kept me trapped… and to realise that now I am free! Free at last! For many years, I’d had a nagging voice in my head which said things like, “You’re drinking too much…

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1 year ago

Therapeutic Benefits of Decluttering Your Home and Your Life

Clutter. We’ve all experienced it on some level. Some of it is visible. Some of it is hidden from our sight. Physical and mental clutter have a funny way of creeping into our homes and our lives. Slowly but surely, we become inundated…

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1 year ago

The Little Lines on My Face, A.K.A. Signs of Aging

You look across the table at your long-time friend over the ‘every Wednesday’ morning cup. Do you see her as aging? Do you see her as she was when you first met? This April I realized I was older. It may seem strange since we all age every day…

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1 year ago

Summer Books to Dive Into

It is hot, hot, hot where most of us live. Pour a tall glass of lemonade. Retreat into the air conditioning or under a shady tree or to a porch with a swirling ceiling fan. And then disappear to Chicago or Fire Island or London or Africa…

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1 year ago

Preparing for Travel Time: The List You Don’t Like to Think About

Summer is the season for vacations, or I understand it’s referred to as the time for “going on holiday” in some parts of Europe. It’s a time full of fun, seeing new things, slowing down and relaxing as well as connecting with friends/family or making new friends…

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1 year ago

How to Keep It Simple in Complicated Times

We’re living in complicated times. World events are spiraling, technology is developing at warp speed, and uncertainty is the norm. We’re bombarded with information, deluged with news, overwhelmed by decisions…

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