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Living life after 60 involves a little - or a lot - of change. It all depends on your preferences. Taking in account your interests, you can have so much fun. Enjoy this category of articles to learn about technology, hobbies, books, entertainment and more!

1 year ago

Pass the Cheese Please – And Always Make It French

You can’t think of France without thinking of food, and you can’t think of French food without thinking of French cheese. What can one say about a country that has up to 400 or more different cheeses? Some French cheese experts even claim…

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1 year ago

7 Thought Provoking Topics About Retirement: How to Know if It’s Time to Transition from Work to Vocation

Retirement marks a significant milestone in our lives – the transition from a long-standing career (whether it be at home or in the office) to an entirely new era filled with possibility. It’s a time to reflect on accomplishments…

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1 year ago

10 Things to Ditch from Your Home Today

Sometimes we don’t have time for a big decluttering project, and we want something quick and impactful. To that end, here are 10 things you can throw away right here right now. If you have flowers in a vase that are past their best, take the opportunity…

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1 year ago

Do You Think Novels Can Be Informative Too?

Welcome – almost – to fall in my part of the world! Recently, I chatted with a woman over lunch at a café. Our conversation steered to books. “I only read non-fiction,” she said to me. “I want a book that’s thought-provoking…

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1 year ago

Second Chances for Your Best First Impression at Home: 13 Ideas to Boost Your Self-Confidence

First impressions make all the difference whenever we meet new people, at a first date, a job interview etc. First impressions pave the way for what’s coming next. First impressions tend to “stick.” What is often overlooked? The “first impression” we…

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1 year ago

Love Your Planet? Explore These 10 Ways You Can Prove It

Last summer, my friend Jini ranted to me about her campaign to reduce single-use plastics in her life and in our local stores. Her passion impressed me and opened my eyes to a disturbing planet-wide dilemma I’ve watched yet ignored…

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1 year ago

What Is the Key to Aging Well? Imagining a More Hopeful Future

I feel like I’ve been celebrating my birthday for months. Yes, it is a big one – 70. I’ve lived 20 years longer than my mother did which, as I shared with my two brothers, feels weird. “What do you want for your birthday?” my husband queried…

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1 year ago

5 Powerful Reasons Older Adults Should Teach

How easy it is to forget that taking a class is a leap of faith. No doubt you have to be a keen artist to attend a workshop. It takes a commitment in time and money. Yet we often believe that is all it takes. But it is the courage part…

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1 year ago

8 Ways to Get Organized for Life and Death

Recently, a client was telling me she’d had some bad health news. Thankfully, on further tests and following check-ups the news wasn’t so bad, but, it began a conversation on what she had learned. We discussed the possible situation of having…

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1 year ago

How I Found Empowerment in Going Back to School

Eleven years ago, at the age of 58, I returned to school for my PhD in transpersonal psychology. As a healer and writer, I thought that my research would be a perfect fit for my life path. In addition to wanting to do research and write books and articles…

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