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Living life after 60 involves a little - or a lot - of change. It all depends on your preferences. Taking in account your interests, you can have so much fun. Enjoy this category of articles to learn about technology, hobbies, books, entertainment and more!

8 years ago

3 Ways Blogging Can Help You to Make Friends After 60

My first few months as a blogger were filled more with the sound of crickets than critical acclaim.

When I started Sixty and Me, now a community of over 500,000 wonderful baby boomer women, I had exactly one reader – myself. Actually, that’s not entirely true. My son also checked in from time to time to give me support, but, if I’m honest, I was basically talking to myself. Read More

8 years ago

How the Golden Rule Can Help Us Build Healthy Relationships and Live Well with Others

Harriet heard the front door open and the jangle of keys. From the sounds, she recognized that it was her housemate, Mary. Mary came into the kitchen where Harriet was putting together a salad. A pot of soup simmered on the stove. Mary said, “Hi.” Read More

8 years ago

Turning 70 is a Reason to Celebrate – So, Love, Dance and Live!

Women in their 60s often say they feel invisible. In their 70s, they say they’re ghosts. In their 80s, they say they’re shadows of ghosts.

There’s no stopping the march of time or the limited visibility women experience in their later decades. But there’s no reason to reinforce that societal disservice by hiding.

That’s why I threw myself an astounding 70th birthday party. Here’s what I learned from turning 70. Read More

8 years ago

How to Increase Your Sense of Belonging as You Get a Little Older

I had breakfast recently with two friends in their 70s. Both have enjoyed very successful professional lives, but are now struggling with how to “give back” in later life. Read More

8 years ago

Designing for Longevity: 9 Creative Solutions for Healthy, Independent Living

Recently, I had the pleasure of sitting on a panel of judges for the fourth Design Challenge sponsored by the Stanford Center on Longevity. I reviewed several innovative ideas that encourage active and independent living as we age. Read More

8 years ago

How to Get More Involved in Your Community in Your 60s or Better

What things matter to you in your community? Do you care how many shopping malls are nearby? Do you care if nightlife is around the corner to spice up your evenings? Do you care if enough bank offices populate the downtown area?
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8 years ago

Millennials Are Sharing Differently… and Boomers Should Pay Attention!

Millennials are at the center of every discussion about values and lifestyle these days, and not much of the conversation is positive! It’s not that they are rebels, or scruffy, or rude to their elders – rather it’s because they are too nice. Read More

8 years ago

6 Creative Birthday Gifts for Women Over 60 That Won’t Clutter Up the House

“What do you want for your birthday?” That’s a tough one, isn’t it? But seriously, the last thing retired people need is more stuff. It’s a time when we are trying to get rid of all the items we no longer use. In a few years, we expect to move to a smaller place, right? Read More

8 years ago

Let Yourself Go and Others Won’t Want to Let You Go

One of the best things about reaching your 60s is that you can stop worrying what other people think and really start to be yourself. Read More

8 years ago

Is Retirement All About Reinvention?

Our generation likes to turn things on their ears.

We’ve exerted a lot of energy reshaping the world. Women’s rights (hats off to Gloria Steinem), rock ‘n roll (thank you, Woodstock), technology (kudos to Steve Jobs) and politics (sorry).

So it’s no surprise that Baby Boomers are now rethinking The Golden Years. Read More