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Living life after 60 involves a little - or a lot - of change. It all depends on your preferences. Taking in account your interests, you can have so much fun. Enjoy this category of articles to learn about technology, hobbies, books, entertainment and more!

7 years ago

3 Lifestyle Trends that Can Impact Your Life After 60

The world is changing for retirees and older adults in unexpected ways. When it comes to analysing trends of senior lifestyles and demographics, the main focus is not on the impact of technology and digital innovation on daily living – at least not in the same way it impacts Gen X and the Millennials. Read More

7 years ago

What is a Retirement Coach and Why Might You Need One?

In our parents’ days, people simply left the job they had held most of their lives and moved onto permanent vacation when they retired. But then, most of them never lived the additional 25 to 30 years anticipated for many of us boomers. Read More

7 years ago

Retiring Overseas in Paradise – What Does It REALLY Cost?

Many of us have dreams of retiring under waving palm trees after decades of working hard and looking after others. But can we afford our fantasy lifestyle? Read More

7 years ago

How Old Do You Feel on the Inside? The Art of Staying Youthful Within

Over a year ago, I was going to come out of the closet about my age at a talk I was giving. I had just had a birthday though, and someone beat me to it by putting it on Facebook. I had just turned 77. Read More

7 years ago

6 Benefits of Shopping Online for Personal Hygiene Products

Do you ever feel embarrassed about buying personal hygiene products, like bladder control, sexual health or even denture products? Read More

7 years ago

10 Things I Learned from Rick and Leo About Creating an Inspiring Retirement

I am now officially retired. Yes, I know, the word retirement is antiquated and ridiculous. I didn’t retire from life. Rather, I stopped working 9-5, five days a week and getting a paycheck. Now I work 10 hours a day writing, researching, reading and blogging – and get no paycheck. Read More

7 years ago

How to Ease the Stress of Relocating in Your 60s

Most of us stay put as we get older, but many of us have one, maybe two moves left in us. The reasons to change living quarters are as individual as we are – to be closer to family, a warmer climate, lower taxes, more age-friendly housing. Read More

7 years ago

Living Like a Princess on Social Security – Yes, it’s Possible!

I recently read an article in Forbes titled, “Quit your job and live abroad in places so cheap you might not need to work.” I was so fascinated by this that I decided to add up the numbers of my cost of living to see how I fared in the scheme of things. Read More

7 years ago

Feeling Adventurous and Frugal? Consider Retiring Abroad

Many people say, “I’ll travel when I’m retired, then I’ll have the time and money to truly seek adventure.” The harsh reality though, is that a little over 3 million Americans are concerned that they will not have enough saved income to afford to retire in the United States, much less travel. Read More

7 years ago

7 Ways to Stay in the Driver’s Seat in Your Sixties

For the past few years, my husband has suffered from a few illnesses affecting his ability to drive a car for various periods of time. This is a gut-wrenching fate for any man to accept. But the impact isn’t just one-sided. Read More