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Living life after 60 involves a little - or a lot - of change. It all depends on your preferences. Taking in account your interests, you can have so much fun. Enjoy this category of articles to learn about technology, hobbies, books, entertainment and more!

10 months ago

4 Things Most People Don’t Get About Loneliness After 50

I encountered loneliness in my late teens. Even though I was born into a large family and connected with friends through school and university, I felt the acute existential loneliness that comes with an inquiring mind…

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10 months ago

New to Career Reinvention? Just Dive In!

A friend of mine called for some career advice recently. She’s about to make a radical shift: after more than 20 years in the fashion industry, she’s becoming a detective. She went through a grueling selection process. But she made it through to the other side…

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10 months ago

Help! I Have Mice in the House!

It began as a sort of shadow at the corner of my eye, while I was watching the television. Something seemed to have moved, but I couldn’t work out what. Perhaps it was just a figment of my imagination. But the second time, there was no mistaking it…

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10 months ago

7 Best Apps for Dementia Patients

Smartphones and tablets can be incredibly beneficial for Alzheimer’s and dementia patients if they are loaded with the right apps. Progression of dementia cannot be stopped, but technology can help with memory training and entertainment…

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10 months ago

“Oh, I Could Write a Book…” Well, Maybe You Should!

It’s an expression we’ve all heard and probably have said more than a few times. First comes a long string of annoying circumstances or stubborn challenges, repeated frustrations or just plain foolishness. Then the punchline: “Oh, I could write a book…

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10 months ago

Downsized? How to Decorate Your New Smaller Home for the Holidays

At this stage of life, you’re looking forward to a simpler lifestyle with less clutter, more freedom, new friends, and new memories. Your kids are now grown and have left the nest. You might be single, widowed, or a couple. No matter what, holidays…

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10 months ago

7 Best Backpacks for Women Over 50

Whether you’re a seasoned explorer or simply embracing the adventures of daily life, there’s one essential accessory that transcends generational divides: the backpack. Far from being confined to the realms of youth, the modern backpack has evolved…

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10 months ago

Cherishing Best Friends in Our 60s

It is my profound good fortune to be spending this week with an amazing human being called Julie: she is and has been one of my besties for 25 years. We live quite different lives, and almost entirely in different parts of the world, but we have an unerring…

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10 months ago

The Miracle of Living NOW

Living now, in our day and time, is unparalleled, which requires me to revisit this theme again. You might ask, “What do you mean?” Every time I finish an article, something amazing happens that reminds me of the incredible resilience and creativity…

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10 months ago

How to Start 2024 Alcohol-Free and Feeling Amazing!

The combination of the media, the marketing campaigns and social norms encourage us to float through the festive season on a sea of booze. It can be so easy just to go with the flow. How about playing it a bit differently this year? How about resisting…

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