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Living life after 60 involves a little - or a lot - of change. It all depends on your preferences. Taking in account your interests, you can have so much fun. Enjoy this category of articles to learn about technology, hobbies, books, entertainment and more!

5 months ago

Steve Jobs Advice: “Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish”

You probably know that Jobs dropped out of college. He reasoned that he didn’t know what he wanted to do with his life, he didn’t see how college would play a role, and he didn’t want to spend his parents’ money foolishly. He trusted that it would all work out…

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5 months ago

Second Home: An Investment and Income Opportunity

The decision to purchase a second home triggers a host of follow-up decisions, many of them financial. Of course, there is the question of how to pay for the home and the many ongoing costs of owning a real estate asset. That huge subject…

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5 months ago

6 Ways to Build Better Community and Heighten Your Golden Years’ Glory

Finding and establishing a key role in a network of dependable people is the cornerstone of a successful second half. In addition to cultivating social connections, provision and a sense of purpose and belonging, living in community with others is good…

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5 months ago

Do You Want to Know When You Will Die?

Not long ago, my husband said rather casually to me, “I wish I knew when I was going to die.” An important wish, indeed. He is 81. But his concern was neither spiritual nor existential. He was wondering whether it was worth his while to have a knee…

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5 months ago

The Solo Journey Challenge

By choice or otherwise, 90% of us women will be left solely in charge of our household finances. Whether you become suddenly single through divorce or widowhood, the experience is a financial challenge. You may be dealing with half…

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5 months ago

3 Phrases You Can Use to Form Strong Relationships After 60

Research is clear that if we want to stay healthy and to thrive we need to develop and maintain strong relationships. According to the Mayo Clinic, adults with strong relationships live longer than their peers who have less vital relationships…

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5 months ago

The Mysterious Power of Comfort Songs

When I was in my early 20s, I rented a room in a sprawling mansion-turned-rooming-house that was in a beautiful part of Vancouver, Canada. Lots of tall, old trees lined the sidewalks. The area had a luxuriant park-like atmosphere…

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5 months ago

50th Wedding Anniversary Gift Ideas

Love that withstands the test of time deserves to be celebrated in a truly special way, and what better occasion to honor enduring commitment than a 50th wedding anniversary gift? Reaching the golden milestone of half a century together…

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5 months ago

Improve Your Life by Tackling Tolerations: Stop Putting Up with ‘STUFF’

Women tolerate a lot. We put up with a lot of irritating annoyances. We’re taught not to complain, not to rock the boat, to go along with others, to be grateful for what we have, to be understanding, to be constantly available to family and friends…

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5 months ago

What Happened to Your Reading Life?

My husband and I were a pair made in heaven. Twenty years ago, when we met, I was a public school reading specialist, and he was a rare book dealer. We clicked immediately at our first rendezvous, and we’ve been going strong ever since!

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