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Yoga for Seniors

Yoga for seniors is a great way to reduce stress, sleep better and remove everyday aches and pains. But, where should you start? Should you try chair yoga? Should you buy a gentle yoga DVD? Or, should you perhaps find a local yoga class in your city? This section will help you get started on your yoga journey.

3 years ago

Warning! Yoga May Release a River of Tears!

A yoga practice can provide many benefits, but I don’t know of anyone who joined a yoga class for the purpose of triggering a “good cry.” Not all yogis experience emotional tears, but if you do, it’s ok. Yoga class and your practice should be a safe space…

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3 years ago

Why Laughter Yoga Is the Best Medicine for Over Sixties

Initially, I was skeptical about Laughter Yoga. But I soon changed my mind. Let me tell you why. I’ve long been a devotee of traditional yoga and no fan of spin-offs. There’s lots of them, Beer Yoga, Goat Yoga and Laughter Yoga, just to name a few…

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3 years ago

My Personal Experience with Yoga for Older Adults

When my older grandson, now in his teens, was a toddler, he loved to watch me stand on my head, which I had been doing for years in yoga. He tried to copy me, with little success, but I discouraged him in any case as I was told that standing on your head…

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3 years ago

Exercise the Gentle Way with Chair Yoga for Seniors

If you have never experienced the benefits of chair yoga for seniors, you’re in for a treat! Over the last couple of years, I’ve become addicted to this simple, yet powerful, practice. I hope that my passion for chair yoga encourages you to give it a shot!

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4 years ago

3 Good Reasons to Take Up Yoga After 60

For a long time, I’ve wondered why yoga teachers (even in their 80s or 90s) are so youthful and full of vigor and joy. Is it due to particular yoga poses, lifestyle, or something else? I put this question, as inspiration for my new book, to 14 yoga teachers…

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4 years ago

Grief, Yoga, and the Chakras: Yoga for Living with Loss

One of the loveliest lessons we have learned as we reach our 60s and beyond is that life is full of surprising twists and turns. What may have been a passing fancy becomes a life-long passion and major fork in the road. I once had a yoga…

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4 years ago

4 Natural Solutions to Hormonal Harmony After Menopause

Hailey came to me distraught from lack of sleep and constant hot flushes. Her doctor’s only recommendation was Hormone Replacement Therapy, but Hailey wanted to see if I had any natural recommendations…

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4 years ago

5 Fears that Stop Seniors from Trying Gentle Yoga

Several years ago, I sat outside of my first gentle yoga class at Yoga Barn in Bali, my emotions as turbulent as the jungle air around me. The tiny voices of a thousand insects struck me as I waited in the humid air. Read More

4 years ago

The 5 Stages of Starting Yoga as an Older Adult

Many years ago, I had the pleasure of working with Elizabeth Kubler Ross. As you may know, in her book, On Death and Dying, Elizabeth described the 5 stages of grief: anger, denial, bargaining, depression and, finally, acceptance. Read More

4 years ago

Gentle Yoga for Seniors: Relax Your Neck and Shoulders (Part 2/8): FREE 46-Min Practice!

As a woman over 60, are you alarmed at the slump in your shoulders? Have the upper shelves at the grocery store become a stretch too far? Does a painfully stiff neck account for your straight-ahead view of the world?

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