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Small Business

Are you thinking of starting a small business in your 60s? It's not as unusual an idea as you might think. In fact, older entrepreneurs are becoming increasingly common. We'll take you step-by-step through the process of building your profitable business.

5 years ago

5 Reasons More Boomers Are Working in Retirement – It Is Not Just About Money

Boomers are, true to form, changing the meaning of the word ‘retirement’. If you look it up in any dictionary, retirement is all about stopping work. But even if we can afford to, many of us have no intention of stopping work…

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5 years ago

Why You Need a Mentor to Excel in Your Post-Retirement Business

For many of us, starting a business in retirement is a first. Fresh out of employment in the corporate sector, we know tons about the machinations of a large corporation. Put to the test, however, we find we know very little…

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5 years ago

Want to Start a Business in Retirement? 5 Ways a Coach Can Help

Are you thinking of starting a small business in retirement? Taking on a coach is a really good place to begin. Read More

5 years ago

3 Benefits to Starting a Business After 50 that Have Nothing to do with Money

As we approach retirement, it’s natural to think about how we are going to support ourselves in the decades ahead. Starting a business is an option, but, most of us don’t know where to start. In addition, we are constantly exposed to images of 20-something entrepreneurs succeeding. If the media is to be believed, older entrepreneurs don’t stand a chance. Or do they? Read More

6 years ago

3 Ways to Make Vacations Part of Your Business Culture: Who Needs Vacation? Not Me!

Too many entrepreneurs, young and older, say they can never take a vacation.

When I first started working for the YWCA in the ’70s, vacations were a treasured perk. Poorly paid but rich in benefits, we started with two weeks of annual vacation and before we knew it, it had grown to four.

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6 years ago

Are You an Older Entrepreneur? How to Know If Your Website Is Doing You Any Good

Many of us, women over 60, have our own websites, whether to sell products, promote services, or build a following for a blog or upcoming book. But do we know if said website is doing us any good? Luckily, it’s pretty easy to answer that question with Alexa. Read More

6 years ago

Why Online Courses Are a Great Model for Older Entrepreneurs

I almost gave up on my business a couple of years ago. After years of 12-14 hour days, my two partners and I simply weren’t seeing a return on investment. Worse, we had just sunk tens of thousands of dollars into a social network for older adults. We were tired and we felt like quitting. Read More

6 years ago

I Spent $100,000 on Upwork… Here’s My Advice for Freelancers

On the surface, freelancing sounds like an ideal option for older adults looking to make a little extra cash. It’s something that you can do from home, it allows you to leverage the skills that you earned over the course of your career and, for the most part, ageism is avoidable. Read More

6 years ago

Nobody Cares About Your Passion Business… But, it Can Still Make You Rich

Most of us dream of starting a passion business at least once in our lives. Perhaps you love backing and have always wanted to open a bakery or coffee shop. Or, maybe you love collecting stamps and have considered buying and selling them on eBay.

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6 years ago

“Older Entrepreneurs Don’t Need Help to Succeed” – Another Angry Conversation with My Friend

A few weeks ago, I told you about a conversation that I had with a good friend of mine about the ability of older entrepreneurs to succeed. In our first argument, she claimed that older adults simply don’t want to start businesses… and, even if they did, they wouldn’t have the creativity, drive and passion to kill it in the marketplace. Read More