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Small Business

Are you thinking of starting a small business in your 60s? It's not as unusual an idea as you might think. In fact, older entrepreneurs are becoming increasingly common. We'll take you step-by-step through the process of building your profitable business.

4 years ago

Work Smart or Work Hard? What Defines Your Business Plan This New Year?

I woke up on January 2nd this year in a complete state of panic. I’d slept poorly – having a version of my standard “getting lost” dream. (This time, I was on a bus you couldn’t disembark…)

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5 years ago

How to Get Started on Airbnb as an Older Adult (the Fastest Growing Group of Hosts!)

Would you be surprised if I told you that the fastest growing group of hosts on Airbnb is seniors? You shouldn’t be! After all, older adults own the lion’s share or properties throughout the world. They also have the time to dedicate to being fantastic hosts and the life experience to avoid painful mistakes. As […]

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5 years ago

Glance Back, Move Forward: 8 Financial Ideas for Over 50s to End the Year on a Solid Note

With the end of 2019 drawing near, it’s time to figure out how to be financially wise to our best advantage. For those of you over 50, it’s time to put money into your own or a spousal IRA. The limit is $7,000…

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5 years ago

Pros and Cons of Working in the Burgeoning Gig Economy After You Hit 60

When we were growing up, we used the term “gig” in the context of musicians – so and so is doing a gig tonight at such and such a club. In fact, the term was first coined by jazz musicians…

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5 years ago

What Does Empowerment Mean to a Solopreneur Woman in Her 60s?

I had lunch with a friend the other day. Like me, she launched a new business in her 50s. Now, she’s launching another one (after taking a year out to recover from cancer)…

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5 years ago

5 Qualities You Need to Be a Successful Entrepreneur in Retirement

Research shows that the number of people planning to leave a traditional “job” and instead go with self-employment is set to rise exponentially by 2020. In many economies, the lack of jobs in the formal sector is driving…

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5 years ago

Why Being a Nanny is a Life-Changing Job for Retirees

When our careers are in full swing, we don’t think about the importance of jobs for retirees. Either we assume that we will save enough money to live in comfort in the “best years of our lives” or we look forward to enjoying our freedom in retirement, without working, even if it means cutting back on luxuries.  Read More

5 years ago

How Previous Life Experiences Can Help You Start Your Own Business After 60

Did turning 60 impact you like it did me? Despite bracing myself for depression, based on warnings by friends who hit the milestone before I did, somehow, I escaped unscathed…

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5 years ago

4 Reasons Why I Decided to Work with a Business Coach in Retirement (And What I Learned)

When I retired at the age of 60, I had no idea what I would do with this new stage of my life. I had not planned to leave work at 60; in my mind I had thought I would continue working on till 65…

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5 years ago

When it Comes to Making Money After 50, Whiners Are Never Winners

A few years ago, I published an article entitled “60 Ways to Make Money in Retirement.” It was massive. Read More