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Sex After 60

Hollywood wants us to think that sex after 60 isn't normal. Nonsense! Women our age are sensuous creatures. In this section, we will explore all aspects of sexuality, from safe sex to how to connect with your body if you live alone.

1 year ago

How to Maintain a Healthy Sex Life into Your 60s

Sex is an important part in many women’s lives and plays a key role in every romantic relationship. While there’s a preconceived notion that our sex life disappears after a certain age, that doesn’t have to be the case. Our sex life just looks different…

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2 years ago

7 Fun Ways to Feel Sexy Beyond 60

Right about now, you’re probably groaning and thinking here we go, another article about dyeing my hair and exercising, and do I care about being sexy anyway? Aha! You’re wrong. I have a very different approach to ageing…

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2 years ago

Crystals and Gemstones for Love and Seduction

Whether you are waiting for Valentine’s Day to celebrate love or you are a passionate person all year round, let’s have a conversation about love, passion, and seduction and the fascinating gemstones and crystals that can spice up your romantic life…

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2 years ago

Does Sex Grow Old as We Age?

I recently went with my wife to visit her mom who is in a memory care unit. It was late in the day, and they were getting the residents ready for dinner. Most are fairly mobile, some can easily manage on their own, while others have walkers and a few need…

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2 years ago

Haunted by the Unexpected Interest in the Female Orgasm?

The female orgasm is suddenly in fashion this summer, if the number of newspaper stories is any indication. Like the British say about buses, you wait for ages for one and then three come at once. Oh dear, that wasn’t meant to be a pun…

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2 years ago

6 Reasons We Need to Explore Our Sexuality After 60

Exploring our sexuality when we’re over 60 is not a joke. Society may laugh at the idea of people over 60 being sexual, but we are. We may not be the same as we were when we were younger, but we still have emotions and desires…

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3 years ago

Later-Life Sex! Let’s Go There!

I’m a little curious about your thoughts and experiences regarding later-life sex. Practical stuff, like how often do you want it vs. how often you indulge? What positions do you find most accommodating to your body? On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10…

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3 years ago

Are You Still Full of Lust in Your 60s?

I’ve always thought of February as the month of love, whether romantic or platonic. So, this seems like a good time to discuss the importance of maintaining a lustful and passionate life…

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4 years ago

5 Surprising Things I Learned About Senior Sex

My father died in 1969 at 49 years old. Mom was a couple of years younger. She chose not to remarry. This left her in a bind. She liked to dance. In fact, she went dancing three nights a week into her 80s. Mom needed a dance partner. And boy there were a litany of courters. Read More

5 years ago

How to Reclaim Your Sensuality Over 60

Do you remember a time when sex and intimacy were the most important elements in your life? Perhaps in recent years you’ve found that the urge and desire to have sex has dwindled…

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