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Reinventing Yourself

If you are thinking about reinventing yourself in your 60s, you are not alone. More women than ever are taking a look at their lives and deciding that they need a change. Some of us want to lose weight. Others have decided that it's time to get out there and make new friends. Whatever your goals, we're here to help.

3 years ago

5 Great Reasons to Enlist the Help of a Life Coach After 60

Ok, I’m 60 plus and have lived through raising kids, a divorce, handling money when there wasn’t much, feeling down after moving out of state, buying, and selling real estate – the list goes on! It’s like we’ve lived several lives in this one life. We have felt defeat…

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3 years ago

Is Your Control Freak in Full Costume This Halloween?

‘Tis the season of ghosts, ghouls, goblins and freaks, but are you wearing your control freak mask year-round? There are those of us who struggle with varying degrees of that need and/or obsession to exercise control over ourselves and others…

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3 years ago

How to Restore and Reconnect with Your Childhood Imagination

When it comes to the power of your imagination, consider Albert Einstein’s famous quote, when he said, “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress…

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3 years ago

Sowing the Seeds of Autumn: 7 Ways to Change Your Life This Coming Season

Season alert: autumn has arrived. This is actually my time of the year because it feels abundantly joyful to adhere to the custom of planting new seeds and witnessing new growth. In a spiritual sense, autumn is about taking inventory and making an assessment…

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3 years ago

Imposter Syndrome: Why Do We Have It and How Do We Defeat It?

I’ve met women who have relocated to other countries and didn’t even know the language. Women who have written books and started businesses. Women who have found love. One of the women in my community adopted two infants and a toddler…

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3 years ago

How to Get Yourself into That Swimsuit Before Summer Ends

It’s the dog days of summer – the weather is hazy, hot, and humid, but I’m worried about getting into my swimsuit at a party this weekend. I gained 10 pounds while on chemo earlier this year, and I don’t like this new body. Body image is a big problem…

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3 years ago

3 Steps to Finding You After a Life Transition

The early decades of life often provide a built-in, already prescribed identity for many. We are students, then perhaps spouses, professionals, parents, or maybe all of those at once. Our identity is so intertwined with these roles…

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3 years ago

How to Reinvent Yourself After Disaster Strikes in 8 Steps

After you’ve been through a personal disaster there is usually an upside. You start making new and better decisions and feel proud that you made it through. But, how did you get there? I’ve been through several of these upheavals throughout my life…

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3 years ago

Redefining Aging – Maybe It Is Just a Number!

I am writing this the day after Phil Mickelson won the PGA Championship, becoming the oldest winner of a major. The number of references to Phil as old was pretty remarkable because if 50 is old, what am I at 64? Nonetheless, Phil had a few wise words in the press…

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3 years ago

6 Easy Steps into a Life with Purpose

In recent years, there have been a number of studies about the relationship between purpose and aging. A Sense of Purpose Promotes Healthy Aging is one example. Research suggests that living with a sense of purpose not only adds quality of life…

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