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Reinventing Yourself

If you are thinking about reinventing yourself in your 60s, you are not alone. More women than ever are taking a look at their lives and deciding that they need a change. Some of us want to lose weight. Others have decided that it's time to get out there and make new friends. Whatever your goals, we're here to help.

3 years ago

When Contentment Isn’t Always a Good Thing

As I was making the four-hour drive back home after helping my 80-plus-year-old mom pack up and move to live closer to us, I reflected on my current life situation. Family has always been a priority for me and has continued to be even though my children…

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3 years ago

Are You a Carrot, an Egg, or a Cup of Coffee?

Perhaps you’ve heard or read a version of the story related to the title of this article. In the story, a dejected daughter tells her mother how difficult her life is with one problem after another, and how she just wants to give up. The mother takes her daughter…

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3 years ago

With Each Ending, Comes a New Beginning

I believe the pandemic has brought with it more changes to society on a micro-level than anything else. There has been a sharp increase in divorce rates, a spike in the number of resignations (the great resignation) and a great movement…

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3 years ago

Unpacking Your Limiting Beliefs

When you are packing for a trip that requires you to fly somewhere, you wouldn’t put anything hazardous in your luggage that could get you detained or arrested at the airport. You are also mindful of how much your luggage weighs…

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3 years ago

Why Resolutions Often Fail and What We Can Do Differently

Ready or not, 2022 has arrived, and along with it, the usual array of resolutions and the ever-popular notion of New Year, New You. Yet, just as predictable as a new year arriving is the waning of motivation and the abandonment of resolutions…

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3 years ago

How the Believe Concept Can Reframe Your New Year’s Resolution

If you have ever shopped at Macy’s over the holidays, you know they use the word “Believe” as part of their branding. This is an invitation to bring “Believe” truly into your life in the New Year… and leave the old resolution as a goal or wish behind…

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3 years ago

The Joys – and Challenges – of My First Empty Nest Christmas

Christmas is in just a few weeks. My adult children, who finally, truly left the nest this year, were not happy when I told them about the Christmas I am planning for this year when they come home for the holidays. “No tree,” I said. Arose a chorus of complaints…

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3 years ago

You Are Not That Person Anymore

One of my favorite late lunch haunts is a cocktail lounge next to a Chinese restaurant. The bar is uncrowded mid-afternoon and the WiFi is great, so I can spread out and catch up on a few chores. The bartender, who I consider a friend and therapist…

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3 years ago

3 Tricks to Guarantee Your New Year’s Resolution Will Stick This Time

I think it’s pretty safe to say that we’ve all been there at some point in our lives. The clock strikes midnight on January 1, and we magically decide that we are now going to do “the thing.” Or we’re going to stop doing “the thing.” We jump out of bed ready…

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3 years ago

What Should I Do? Confessions from an Overthinker

If I had a dollar for every time a question or second thought occurred to me, I would assuredly be a billionaire! Overthinking next steps or actions is an all-too-familiar pattern for me and without realizing it, I will consider if it’s the right time to do…

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