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Reinventing Yourself

If you are thinking about reinventing yourself in your 60s, you are not alone. More women than ever are taking a look at their lives and deciding that they need a change. Some of us want to lose weight. Others have decided that it's time to get out there and make new friends. Whatever your goals, we're here to help.

10 months ago

What Does It Mean to Live a Creative Life in Midlife and Beyond?

When you ask women over 50 what it means to be “creative,” you get a treasure trove of insight. When you use Julia Cameron’s book, It’s Never Too Late to Begin Again: Discovering Creativity and Meaning at Midlife and Beyond, as a roadmap…

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11 months ago

Marrying Yourself After Becoming a Widow: A Beautiful Ritual to Help You Recover

Over 12 years ago, after a year of dealing with stomach cancer, my husband passed away. As any widow knows, this is an utterly devastating thing to happen, even if you are towards the end of your life, you know it is the ‘natural’ conclusion…

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11 months ago

Over 50 and Struggling with Confidence Outside of Work? Here’s What to Do!

You may feel on top of your game at work, or you did before you retired, but the moment you log off or come home, you struggle with feeling lonely, bored, and frustrated that you can’t be the same confident woman at home post-divorce that you can…

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12 months ago

Rediscovering the Thrill of Life after 60

When was the last time you felt thrilled? Yes, thrilled, as in “I’m thrilled to be here,” “I’m thrilled to see you,” and “I’m thrilled to be doing this.” Being thrilled is the epitome of positive human emotions. It means to be delighted, exhilarated, electrified and galvanized…

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12 months ago

A Recipe for Radically Reinventing Yourself in Midlife

Are you in the market for a seismic shake-up that re-calibrates you from the inside out? Something more lasting than a new purse, a different hair color, the latest raw food or green juice diet? About the time we reach our fifties, awareness shifts…

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1 year ago

Nourishing Your Soul in Your 60s and Beyond

It occurs to me that women from all around the world will be reading this article, which is why I realize that life experience in different countries is so relevant in its diversity. How fascinating it would be to sit in one room with a baby boomer…

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1 year ago

Second Chances for Your Best First Impression at Home: 13 Ideas to Boost Your Self-Confidence

First impressions make all the difference whenever we meet new people, at a first date, a job interview etc. First impressions pave the way for what’s coming next. First impressions tend to “stick.” What is often overlooked? The “first impression” we…

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1 year ago

Finding Yourself: 5 Steps Towards Self-Discovery

There’s no relationship more important than the one that we have with ourselves. And taking the time to really hone that relationship and get comfortable in our own skin can be a huge step towards learning to trust ourselves, finding true happiness…

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1 year ago

5 Reasons Downsizing Is One of the Most Courageous Things You Can Do!

Contrary to popular belief, the process of downsizing is super easy. All it really involves is three things. First, penetrating awareness that you have way too much ‘stuff’. Second, a firm commitment to making some tough decisions…

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1 year ago

Moving on in My 60s as a Solo Woman

I am six weeks into my new life back in the UK, and how interesting this stepping stone is proving to be! I decided to invest in a small lodge near the Cornwall coastline to nurture my need as a Piscean to be close to the force of the ocean…

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