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Take Action to Find Happiness in Life After 60

2 years ago

Reaping Good Results from Quitting Negative Behaviors

In a bit of a recycle of information, I ran across a post I wrote in 2018. Four years ago. I wrote it thinking about the woman I would like to be in my “older” age, like 80s and 90s. It was a list of things I would quit doing to make my life more intentionally…

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2 years ago

The Essence of Being Authentically Visible

How can we not be authentic? We are who we are. If, somehow, we are not showing our true selves, isn’t that who we are being? This is exactly who we are, in this place and in this time right now. Previously, I had never understood what it meant to be authentic…

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2 years ago

5 Things I Do to Change Negative Self-Chatter – You Can Try Them Too!

Self-talk or chatter is a tricky thing. There are so many layers to what we think and say, how we treat people, and how we treat ourselves. Did you know that every single day, we speak 7,000 words out loud, on average? The real question is, how many…

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2 years ago

Jane Goodall’s Five Reasons for Hope and One More from Me

Some days I want to cry out in the words of the 1960s Broadway play Stop the World, I Want to Get Off. The overwhelming problems that face humanity sometimes seem too big to handle. Recently, I needed an extra dose of inspiration…

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2 years ago

The Power of Acceptance in Everyday Life

Acceptance of what is, of our current reality, whether on a personal, societal or even a global level, is often challenging. Health issues, familial situations or financial concerns often loom large in our day-to-day lives, causing worry and stress – neither of which is good for us nor does anything to resolve unpleasant situations. How […]

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2 years ago

What Are the Right Questions We Should Ask Ourselves?

Questions direct our focus. I learned long ago when my second child was diagnosed with a neurological condition, that asking the ‘why’ questions leads to a dark unnavigable place with no return. It’s a free-falling bottomless pit…

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2 years ago

Life Is More Fun with a Little Bit of Luck

I’ve always been a lucky person. My latest win was timed perfectly: a raffle for a fancy men’s mountain bike. The historic town of Arcadia, FL is raising money to build a Tiny Town for its homeless, a cause I find worthy…

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2 years ago

Only Say Nice Things to Yourself in 2022!

Words and thoughts have their own energy, including self-talk. Everything you think and say affects your personal vibration and the way you feel. Gratitude is the best attitude. Now that we are over 60, it’s time to stop the negative self-talk habits…

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2 years ago

The Gawk Factor: How to Use It to Your Advantage

Now that we are in the month of New Year’s resolutions, we often have change on our mind. We all have something we know we want or need to improve in our lives. The hardest part can often be getting motivated to make that change, identifying…

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3 years ago

6 Mindful Strategies to Begin and End Your Day with Positivity and Purpose

Have you ever wondered how to sustain feelings of joy and peace? What are the long-term advantages of living life affirmatively? Mindset and attitude are critical. Your thoughts and words have power and can help set the tone…

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