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Part-Time Jobs for Seniors

Part time jobs for seniors are not just a way to make a little extra money. They are also a path to better social relationships and healthy aging. They also help people our age to find a sense of purpose after 60. We'll help you find a job that is perfect for you.

6 months ago

9 Fun Part-Time Jobs for Retirees that Anyone Can Do

Women over 60 are no strangers to hard work. Most of us have worked all our lives, whether it’s at a full-time job or caring for children or for aging parents. But as we approach retirement age, many older women are starting to think about…

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8 months ago

5 Career Change Ideas That Involve Working with Animals

If you’re looking to make a career change in your 60s, then it can help to start by considering what you’re passionate about. For an animal lover, getting to spend all day hanging out with a bunch of furry friends…

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1 year ago

60 Creative Ways to Make Money in Retirement

Last year, I asked the women in our community how they make money in retirement. Their answers were amazing and showed just how creative our generation has become when it comes to supplementing our income in the best years of our lives…

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2 years ago

How to Become a Mystery Shopper After 60

A mystery shopper (also known as a secret shopper) is a person who is hired to pose as a regular customer and visit a business, such as a store, restaurant, or hotel, to evaluate and report on their experiences. Mystery shopping is typically…

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3 years ago

How to Make Money in Retirement by Sharing Your Passion for Health

For most of my life I’ve been unemployable. That doesn’t mean I haven’t had jobs. I was a college language teacher for many years. That led to an opportunity to write textbooks – and I found that I loved the creativity of writing…

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5 years ago

Part Time Jobs for Seniors: How to Find a Job to Enjoy in Retirement

Women over 60 are exploring new possibilities in life. For many of us, this means working in retirement. The reasons may surprise you.

Jobs for Seniors Aren’t Just About Money

Although many women over 60 are definitely interested in making their retirement savings last longer, the number one motivator for working in retirement is not always “to make money.” Whether we need the money or not, many women over 60 want to stay active, stay involved in the world, and keep making a meaningful contribution to an organization or cause that we care about. Read More

8 years ago

5 Ways to Bring Home the Bacon in Retirement

The freedom of retirement doesn’t have to mean the end of making money. Plus, now is the time to cash in on things you actually enjoy doing! Read More

8 years ago

How Are You Making Money in Retirement? Here Are Some Ideas

As we reach our 60s, many of us are looking for creative ways to make money in retirement. Some of us are looking to earn some extra cash for luxuries, like travel and entertainment. Others are focused simply on surviving in a low interest rate environment in which it feels like we are paying the bank to hold our money. Read More

8 years ago

6 Ideas for Creating Cash Flow and Escaping Ageism in the Workplace

It’s interesting to note how governments are universally at pains to promote the employment of the over 50’s. They aim to keep them working as long as possible.

Is this to prevent governments having to pay pensions? Or are they beginning to understand that people over 50, are no longer old? Personally, I think it’s the former. Read More

9 years ago

What Are the Best Part-Time Jobs for Retirees?

As the careers that supported us for decades come to an end, many of us are starting to think about jobs for retirees. It’s not just the money that we care about, although this is certainly important! It’s also the sense of purpose that comes from contributing to society in a tangible way. Read More