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Thinking about the past is fun, but, did you know that nostalgia is also good for your brain? Find out what neuroscientists, have to say about nostalgia. Let's think about the past together!

5 years ago

6 Insights I Picked Up on My 51st Class Reunion

My high school class is not one of the those who have regular reunions. We had one 10 years after graduation, then nothing. So, I was surprised – and delighted – to get an invitation to celebrate…

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5 years ago

Embracing Memories of the Distant Past: A Way to Stay Connected to a World Long Gone

When Notre Dame was severely damaged by a massive fire recently, all the world mourned. In one sense, it ‘belonged’ solely to Paris or, perhaps, to France. But in another sense, it belonged to all of us…

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5 years ago

3 Ways to Reconcile Your Own Childhood in Your Role as a Mother

Nothing surpasses motherhood. Of all the feelings, emotions and do-overs I would like in my life, my relationship with myself vis-a-vis my daughter is at the top of the list. Read More

6 years ago

Did You Love Bewitched? Bet You Didn’t Know These 10 Crazy Facts About the Show!

As a young woman, I was always on the lookout for female role models. There were not a lot of them on television in the 1960s. In fact, I remember my first real exposure to TV was Bonanza where four guys dominated the screen. I didn’t let this stop me from identifying with who I thought was the most handsome, interesting and clever. Adam of course!  Read More

6 years ago

Do You Miss the Elegant and Personal Touch of Long Ago?

In the summer of 1981, I was living in Boston and participating in a summer placement during graduate school. One morning, I happened to turn on the television, and lo and behold: the wedding of Diana and Charles was happening at that moment! Read More

7 years ago

Remembering 1968 – One of the Most Turbulent Years in Boomer History

In America, 1968 was a turbulent year. There were two assassinations, anti-war demonstrators in the street, students taking over college campuses, cities torched and burning, and an increasingly unpopular war in Southeast Asia that was claiming lives daily. Read More

7 years ago

Take an Electric Slide Down Memory Lane: How Many 1970s Dances Do You Remember? (Vintage Videos)

I love to dance… and have the embarrassing pictures to prove it! So, today, I’d like to share a few videos of my favorite 1970s dances. Let’s take an electric slide down memory lane together! Read More

7 years ago

Desert Island Discs: Nostalgic Songs That Define Our Life Stages

There’s a popular, long-running radio show in the U.K. called Desert Island Discs. The premise behind the show is quite simple: A guest is invited by the host to choose the eight records they would take with them to a desert island. It’s really a vehicle for getting famous people – whether that’s Bill Gates or David Beckham or Zaha Hadid – to narrate their lives through music.
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7 years ago

Writing a Memoir Can Help You Exorcise Your Childhood Demons

Time brings more confusion as facts and details become threadbare, leaving only the visceral emotion you felt at the moment of impact. That’s where the demons live, directing your life from their secret lair. You might need to bring them out into the light, to see if they can survive scrutiny…

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7 years ago

Can a Memory Book Help You Get Things in Perspective? You Bet!

Most of us have fascinating stories to tell. At the same time, the idea of sitting down to write an official autobiography can feel a bit intimidating. So, today, I would like to share a few suggestions for how to write a shorter “memory book” instead. Trust me, nothing will help you to get your life in perspective quicker than thinking back over all of the wonderful things that you have done so far! Come join us for a cup of tea (or coffee) and a chat. And, if you enjoy the show, please tell one friend about us today. Your support means so much to me! Read More