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Medical Conditions

Nothing makes life after 60 harder than medical conditions. From post menopause symptoms and Alzheimer’s to hearing loss and mobility issues, we have answers to your questions.

2 years ago

The 5 Most Common Causes of Shoulder Pain Among Baby Boomers (And What to Do About Them)

Shoulder pain is a common complaint among the Baby Boomer generation. In fact, it is the third most common cause of musculoskeletal consultation in primary care. The shoulder is a complex joint with a wide range of motion and is subject to a lot of wear…

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2 years ago

Is a Stiff Neck a Sign of Covid? What You Need to Know

A stiff neck can be one of the first signs of Covid. So, if you are experiencing stiffness in your neck, it’s essential to take precautions and get tested for the virus. We will discuss the symptoms of Covid and what you need to do if you experience them…

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2 years ago

5 Easy but Crucial Practices for Women with Auto-Immune Disease to Implement Immediately

Despite what you have been told by your doctor, or perhaps what you have seen with friends or family, the diagnosis of an auto-immune condition is not a life sentence. An auto-immune diagnosis does not automatically subject you to a lifetime…

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2 years ago

Plantar Fasciitis Surgery – Everything You Need to Know

If you are one of the many people suffering from plantar fasciitis, you may consider surgery as an option to relieve your pain. Plantar fasciitis is a condition that causes pain in the heel and bottom of the foot. The plantar fascia is a tissue band connecting the heel…

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2 years ago

4 Proven Ways to Build Bone Density Over 60

October 20th is World Osteoporosis Day. As women over 60, osteoporosis and building bone density is a concern I hear from so many of my personal training and fitness clients. Many women don’t realize that you can build bone density and prevent…

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2 years ago

A Staying Well Plan for Those Prone to Anxiety and Depression

October is Depression Awareness Month, and 10th October, 2022 was International Mental Health Awareness Day. For many years, I have managed the Facebook page of the Swanage Depression Support Group. This was set up as a response…

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2 years ago

Your Life Seems Perfect – But Could You Be Hiding from Depression?

Therapy at 60 can seem a bit daunting. There’s a lot of life to talk about. Yet I’ve seen many older people delve into emotional struggles quite successfully. Yet therapy might not seem needed to someone…

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2 years ago

When Is a “Weak Bladder” Something More?

For many people, symptoms of incontinence come on gradually. The need to urinate becomes more frequent, a sense of urgency increases, and leakage becomes a regular occurrence. In many cases, people are already making…

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2 years ago

Upper Arm Pain: Everything You Need to Know

If you are experiencing upper arm pain, you are not alone. This is a widespread problem that affects many people. In this blog post, we will discuss the causes of upper arm pain and the treatment options available to you. We will also provide tips…

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2 years ago

What You Should Know About Normal Aging of the Spine and Chronic Back Pain After 60

Are you one of the millions of people living with chronic back pain? Have you been told by a medical provider your pain is due to arthritis? Or there is nothing that can be done about your back pain? Cases of chronic back pain…

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