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Medical Conditions

Nothing makes life after 60 harder than medical conditions. From post menopause symptoms and Alzheimer’s to hearing loss and mobility issues, we have answers to your questions.

1 year ago

4 Clothing Brands for Women with Arthritis

Do you have arthritis? Have you had it for a long time or is it a new diagnosis? There are varying types of arthritis, but typically it is caused by inflammatory conditions or autoimmune diseases and there is no known cure…

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1 year ago

Understanding and Dealing with Frailty at Any Age

The number one reason seniors seek medical health care is frailty, which is a very general term. In this first article we’ll look at the definition of frailty, how it affects us as we age and one important symptom we should look out for…

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1 year ago

Why Urinary Incontinence Is More Serious Than You Think

Urinary incontinence is a serious problem that affects tens of millions of people in the U.S. and hundreds of millions worldwide. It is defined as the involuntary loss of urine, which can range from a small leak to complete loss of bladder control…

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1 year ago

5 Simple Steps to Protect Your Job if You Have a Disability

It would be nice if turning 60 meant more time to focus on home décor, dating, personal style, new and delicious recipes, investing opportunities, retirement, travel, or the latest makeup tips. But for many women, turning 60 means…

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1 year ago

Aching Joints? Consider Adding Red Light Therapy to Your Pain Management Arsenal

I have been playing golf for almost half my life without any negative physical side effects. Recently, however, I started experiencing some pain in my left shoulder. Even though I am very proactive about my health, including joint health…

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1 year ago

Are Genetics Really the Cause of Your Autoimmune Disease?

Have you been struggling with an autoimmune condition for years? Have you seen several doctors, trying desperately to find a solution, only to end up with a 2nd or even a 3rd autoimmune diagnosis? Have you always wondered…

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1 year ago

Heart Rate Variability: Could This Be Your Secret Signal to Keep You in Better Health?

You might have heard about HRV, but you may not be sure what it is. So before I tell you how much tracking my HRV helps me with my lupus, let me cover what heart rate variability (HRV) is. In my previous Sixty and Me article…

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1 year ago

Is Metabolic Surgery Safe for Seniors?

You have undoubtedly heard of metabolic surgery, but it might be more familiar to you under another name: bariatric surgery or weight-loss surgery. All three refer to the surgical procedures that have evolved over the last 75 years…

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1 year ago

Exploring the Natural Alternatives to HRT After Menopause

Blessed are the women who soar through menopause unscathed. Not all of us, however, are so lucky. There are about 38 different symptoms attributable to menopause. We’ve all heard the complaints: suffering with embarrassing hot flashes, excess weight gain in the belly…

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1 year ago

5 Pantry and Freezer “Must-Have” Foods for People with Autoimmunity

As many women with autoimmunity and other chronic diseases have discovered, food is much more than just calories for the body! Food provides vital information to the immune system, the nervous system, and every other bodily system…

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