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Managing Money in Retirement

No matter how much you have saved, managing money in retirement is critically important. Let's talk about how to make your Social Security and pension money last longer.

2 years ago

4 Better Alternatives to Using Your Retirement Savings to Pay Off Debt

It is never advisable to use your retirement savings for anything other than its intended purpose, unless you have to. It is never a good idea to risk not being able to take care of yourself in retirement to save your credit score and pay off debts…

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2 years ago

“To Each His Own”: A Frustrating Requirement You Need to Understand

Normally, when you hear or say the phrase “to each his own” you are likely shrugging and recognizing that things can be different for different people. And it’s no big deal. But when it applies to your financial power of attorney document…

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2 years ago

How Does the 4% Rule Work in Retirement?

The 4% rule is a helpful guideline that retirees can use to determine how much money they should take out of their retirement accounts each year. Adopting the regulation is intended to preserve a consistent income stream while preserving…

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2 years ago

What’s in a Name? Be Sure Yours Is Correct!

Let’s talk about your name. You may love your name, or think it’s just okay, or wish you had a different name, and these days, you can legally change your name if you want. But that’s not really the name that we need to make sure…

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2 years ago

How to Save Money the Fun Way… By Taking the Retirement Spending Challenge!

Have you ever thought, “I’ve got to get my spending under control?” That’s just what I was thinking on a Saturday morning while going over bills. Somehow I’m always surprised at how all those little purchases add up…

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2 years ago

3 Ways to Navigate the Rough Waters of Financial Security with Courage and Resilience

It is 97 degrees out today, and a girlfriend and I are getting on the river. I am blessed to live in the Roaring Fork Valley of Colorado, with outdoor amenities at my fingertips…

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2 years ago

Yes, a Reverse Mortgage Can Be Life-Changing

It’s Christmas Day and Angela, 74, is sipping a cup of coffee in her son’s living room. A beautiful Christmas tree stands in the corner covered with ornaments and bright colorful lights. The room is filled with the warm and delicious smells…

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2 years ago

I Took Control of My Financial Destiny in Retirement… You Can Too!

For years I thought I had my finances and investments figured out. I had a financial advisor and felt well taken care of. I was grateful to have this smart man advise me and manage my investments for my retirement. Whilst we never socialized…

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2 years ago

The Financial Freebie Frenzy – or Do We Know How to Manage Our Money? (VIDEO)

Have you tried a tongue twister in a while? Try saying “financial freebie frenzy” three times fast! I am referring to all of the great attention the topic of financial literacy gets every April, which has been happening every year since 2004 when…

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2 years ago

An Epidemic of Another Kind: Financial Illiteracy Among Young and Old

Quarantine. Lockdown. Shelter in place. Social distancing. Covid-19. Who heard of these terms before, or even knew what they meant – let alone were intentionally living them every day – until 2020!? Hopefully, going forward, none of us will spend…

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