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Managing Money in Retirement

No matter how much you have saved, managing money in retirement is critically important. Let's talk about how to make your Social Security and pension money last longer.

1 year ago

Have You Wondered Where You Can Invest? Let’s Look at the Options

Do you want to know your options for investing to reach your long-term goals? Remember that investing is only appropriate if your living expenses are covered, your debt is under control, and you have built an emergency fund. After that it may be time…

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1 year ago

How to Save on Attorney Fees in Divorce

You may not realize this, but when you file divorce papers, you are suing your spouse for divorce. Most people have never been involved in a lawsuit before and have never worked with an attorney for anything other than a traffic ticket or to prepare…

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1 year ago

Preparing for Travel Time: The List You Don’t Like to Think About

Summer is the season for vacations, or I understand it’s referred to as the time for “going on holiday” in some parts of Europe. It’s a time full of fun, seeing new things, slowing down and relaxing as well as connecting with friends/family or making new friends…

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1 year ago

Can You Relate to These Common Estate Planning Mistakes? (VIDEO)

When you stop and think about it, choosing to do nothing in advance about something negative that is guaranteed to happen seems illogical, doesn’t it? And yet, human nature is that we avoid thinking about negative things, which is why…

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1 year ago

How to Gain Financial Empowerment in Your 60s

Your 60s are a time of tremendous change. You may be preparing for retirement, entering retirement or recently retired. It’s a time where your finances may also be changing; a crossroads of sorts. So, what can you do with your finances…

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1 year ago

5 Essential Ingredients for a Comfortable Retirement Income Plan (VIDEO)

Retirement planning is surprisingly similar to climbing a mountain or going for a hike. On the way up, you primarily focus on reaching the top. But on the way down, safety may become your priority. Missteps become more dangerous as the hours…

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1 year ago

Finding Financial Harmony in Wedding Season

In my mind, Spring marks the beginning of wedding season. Although realistically I know weddings can be any month of the year. I remember in 2020, I was talking to a wedding venue owner here in Arizona and asking how he could possibly…

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1 year ago

What Motherly Advice Did You Receive About Money?

In the month of Mother’s Day, it is appropriate to think about and appreciate mothers as well as other women who play important roles in our lives. Women we admire have had an impact on us in many ways. I was in a women’s group discussion…

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1 year ago

Does Your Money Spending Align with Your Values?

Everyone has personal values that have shaped and formed over the years through their experiences, relationships, and education. Unfortunately, many people struggle with finding happiness simply because their actions and values aren’t aligned…

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1 year ago

Dividing a Pension in Divorce

Pensions are sort of a thing of the past, having been replaced by 401(k) plans (where employees have as much responsibility to save for their retirement as the employer), but they do still exist for government employees and the military…

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