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Managing Money in Retirement

No matter how much you have saved, managing money in retirement is critically important. Let's talk about how to make your Social Security and pension money last longer.

4 years ago

4 Reasons to Ditch Your Car in Your 50s or 60s (Only One is Financial!)

Do you remember the sense of freedom that you had the first time you got in your own car and turned the keys? The world suddenly became smaller as your mind raced with possibilities for adventure and exploration…

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4 years ago

I Just Skipped Dinner… and Gave My Grandson $248,910 for His Retirement

In some ways, retirement planning is fiendishly complicated. You have to guess how long you will live. You need to decide on the right balance of risk and reward for your investments. And, of course, you have to find the money to save in the first place!

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4 years ago

Need a Job During the Lockdown? Why Not Consider Farm Work?

If you were looking for work when the lockdown began or have since lost your job, then you may be concerned about navigating the job market during these unprecedented times…

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4 years ago

How to Negotiate in Everyday Life So You Can Save More and Retire Richer (My Top 6 Tips!)

In a previous article, I gave a simple example of how learning how to negotiate could help you to save an additional $44,500 for retirement. In fact, I argued that learning to negotiate is one of the fastest and most effective ways to boost your retirement account. What I didn’t have time to do was […]

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4 years ago

How to Crush an Overdraft Fee in Under 5-Minutes… I Did it and You Can Too!

No matter how much money we make, most of us go through life without really ever getting control of our finances. While we are building our careers, we worry more about increasing our income than decreasing our costs…

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4 years ago

Ladies, Let’s Do Our Dollars Differently!

Daffodils and crocuses are pushing their way through the hard packed earth. Spring will be here in its full glory! While we don’t know when the Coronavirus “winter” will abate, it will…

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4 years ago

Are You Among the Lucky Ones in the Pandemic? 7 Ideas to Pass on Your Government Issued Stimulus Fund

My husband and I are coping well as we stay at home during the pandemic. We’re actually enjoying this break from our usual busy schedules, starting each day with a morning walk with a few neighbors…

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4 years ago

3 Reasons to Rent Your Home on Airbnb in Retirement (No-One Thinks of #2!)

Airbnb’s shift to older demographics makes great business sense. After all, it’s no secret that Millennials are struggling to get onto the property ladder. If Airbnb wants to grow, it will need to convince new groups – from parents to grandparents to let strangers into their homes…

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4 years ago

How Selling Your Car When You Retire Could Give You $70K When You Need it Most

When I ask people in their 60s what they are most looking forward to in retirement, you would be surprised by the number that say, “Not having to commute!” As someone who spent 2 hours a day traveling between Seattle and Redmond, I totally…

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4 years ago

How to Make Extra Money FAST in Retirement ($100-500 More Per Month, Without Working!)

So, you’ve retired. Congratulations! All that’s left to do now is to book a tee time and sit in front of your pool with a glass of champagne in one hand and the Sunday Times in the other. Yeah right! Unless you are one of the “lucky” few who have saved millions…

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