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Managing Money in Retirement

No matter how much you have saved, managing money in retirement is critically important. Let's talk about how to make your Social Security and pension money last longer.

3 years ago

How to Supplement Your Retirement Fund

While planning for retirement, you may be running into the issue of wondering how to afford the retirement lifestyle of your dreams. An asset you may no longer need can provide you additional cash to solve that, your life insurance. Selling your life insurance policy to a licensed provider is known as a Life Settlement.

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3 years ago

What Simple Stories Can Teach Grandchildren About Money

If you are a grandmother, did your kids ask you how you wanted to be addressed by the grandchildren: grandma, mimi, memaw, etc? Never having thought about that question (since both my grandparents and my husband’s were always…

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3 years ago

Working and Collecting Social Security: 3 Important Things You Need to Know

As people age, happiness is often based on connections with family and friends. Some of us may not have those ready-made ties and perhaps need to look elsewhere to stay active and engaged. Having a job may be the answer. But I often hear seniors say…

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3 years ago

Preparing for Financial Life After Your Partner Passes

Losing a spouse is one of life’s greatest challenges and an inevitability that many people will face. The ensuing grief from the trauma makes it critically important to have a clear approach towards financial decision making. Losing a spouse poses…

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3 years ago

Have You Told Your Assets Where to Go? (VIDEO)

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey was written over 15 years ago but is still a best seller for good reason. His timeless advice is applicable across many aspects of our lives, business or personal…

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3 years ago

Checklist: Loaning Money to Friends and Family

Sometimes you can become an “expert” in an area of life by learning from the School of Hard Knocks versus a real brick and mortar educational institution. That is the case with my topic this month as I share some healthy advice about loaning money to family…

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4 years ago

How Do You Manage Your Emotions with Money?

The legendary Magellan mutual fund manager, Peter Lynch, once said, “Everyone has the brain power to make money in stocks. Not everyone has the stomach.” When it boils down to it, successful investing is both personal and emotional…

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4 years ago

Financial Advice for Widows: What to Do Before You Remarry

Many years ago, when a woman’s husband died, she went into mourning – sometimes wearing black “widow’s weeds” for a year or more. Generally, she remained alone after that year or perhaps moved into an adult child’s home. That was the case with my…

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4 years ago

Why You Need to Be Ready to Take Over Your Family Finances

My husband didn’t expect to be diagnosed with esophageal cancer at age 34. I didn’t expect to become a widow at age 35. While it’s hard to call it a silver-lining, we were fortunate in that I was always our family’s breadwinner…

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4 years ago

The Magic (Pass)Words: It’s Not About Knowing, It’s About Doing (VIDEO)

How many passwords do you have to keep track of? Have you ever counted them? I stopped counting after I hit 200 (but I have two businesses so hopefully it’s not that many for everyone). I know it’s all for our own safety and security…

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