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Losing Weight After 60

Like many women, I have learned the hard way that losing weight after 60 is tricky. This doesn't mean that it's impossible. But, it does mean that it requires a solid commitment to exercise, healthy eating and stress relief.

2 years ago

Yes, Virginia, You Can Indulge in Low Calorie Holiday Drinks: Your Ultimate Guide

I love a tasty buzz as much as the next girl, but at the same time I don’t want to drink what are essentially boozy desserts and run screaming from my scale on New Year’s Day. Having maintained my loss for years now, I have zero interest…

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2 years ago

Do the Holidays Trigger Binge Eating for You?

If you’re like many of the women I work with, holiday gatherings aren’t exactly a scene out of a Hallmark movie. Whether it’s an obnoxious food pusher that you can’t say no to, sibling rivalry that rears its ugly head, or the unrealistic expectations that seem…

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2 years ago

Why New Year’s Resolutions Set Emotional Eaters for Failure and What to Do Instead

New Year is coming, and I swear when the clock strikes midnight, I will turn my life around this time and turn into a slimmer, healthier, and happier version of me. I will get an annual membership to the gym and use it a whole three weeks…

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2 years ago

60-Plus and Body Positive: The New Motto of This Boomer Woman

Most women our age can readily tell you which part of their body they are most self-conscious about or feel is their least attractive. For years we were deluged with stories, articles, and advice about how to fix whatever was wrong…

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2 years ago

Your Circadian Clock May Be the Key to Weight Loss After 50

It seems that the brilliant researchers who study our circadian clock, that internal timekeeper, have tuned in to an important factor for weight management. It seems a blue light sensor in the retina measures ambient light level…

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2 years ago

Are Negative Affirmations Blocking Your Weight Loss?

Chances are if you’ve struggled with your weight, you’ve said some pretty mean and negative things to yourself over the years. But did you know that every thought you think and every word you speak is an affirmation? Yep, the good stuff, but also the bad stuff…

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2 years ago

1 Tip to Minimize the “Balloon Butt” While Honoring Our Older Bodies

Women seem far ahead of men in understanding the detriments of ‘body shaming.’ At least we, as a culture, have come to realize that the Barbie doll resembles reality in very few ways. Teaching our daughters and granddaughters…

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2 years ago

How to Avoid Having to Wear Santa’s Pants During the Holiday Season

Sweet potato casserole. Pumpkin pie. Hot chocolate with cinnamon. Yum. Just saying the words makes me want to have some. I can’t count everything I eat during holiday season, and it’s better left unsaid. I just hope I don’t put on 10 pounds…

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2 years ago

Dos and Don’ts for Losing Weight Without Dieting After 50

You’re trying to lose weight, maybe for the third time. Or maybe it’s the 30th. But you really want it to be the last time. You’d love to finally put the kibosh on this post-menopausal weight gain once and for all! You’ve been down this road before…

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2 years ago

5 Easy Ways to Ditch Nighttime Eating and Drop Weight for Good After 60

It would be great to find an effortless, fun, easy and irreversible way to [insert your biggest wish here]. Like finding that perfect shade of lipstick, a dress that makes you look like a princess, or a chocolate dessert with fewer calories than celery. We can dream, right?

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