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Life After Retirement

Life after retirement is a complicated time. Not only do you have to worry about your retirement savings, but, you also need to find meaning in your life. Here are some retirement ideas to help you get more from the best years of your life.

1 year ago

Moving to New Home Later in Life: Thinking It Through

We all come to a stage in life when we ponder the possibility of moving to a new home. However, before committing to such a big step, consider what is driving this idea. How many of us, during our working years, have dreamed of living…

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1 year ago

Is a Gap Year Right for You?

If you’re having a late-blooming midlife crisis, maybe you need time away from whatever it is you’re doing, especially if that’s sitting around feeling mildly depressed. Try something new or revisit something you used to enjoy. Give it a year – or don’t set an end date…

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1 year ago

3 Things That Are Too Much To Ask Of A Newly Retired Boomer Woman

I’m a Boomer woman who took The Retirement Leap, leaving a career behind to embrace life after work. I’ve talked with many Boomer women who are doing the same. We know how lucky we are; not everyone is in a position to exit full-time work…

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1 year ago

How to Fight Back Against Retirement Anxiety and Find Your True Self

I was the first of my close friends to retire – by a long shot. Even most of my work friends had another five years to go. Only then they could turn off the alarm clock and plan their days to their liking. To my surprise, I experienced at least a year…

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1 year ago

Retirement: Are You Ready for A Solo Act?

Most women in their 60s are headed for a solo future. Are you prepared for yours? Millions of people are finding themselves on their own as they head toward retirement. Some are solo by circumstance, others by choice. These partner-less pioneers…

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1 year ago

Nervous About Being a Late Bloomer? 7 Ways to Go for It

When I was in my early 30s, I lived in a two-story house nestled in the forest high up in the Green mountains of Vermont. We were far from the madding crowd for months at a time. It was from that perspective on one cold, sunny morning that I was looking…

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1 year ago

NEXT! The Perfect Four-Letter Word for Your Life

Now that we are older and wiser, a “Next!” attitude might be just the approach we need to make the most of whatever we still want life to look like. Ask yourself, “I conquered that (no matter how big or small), now what do I want next?”

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1 year ago

How to Manage Retirement Finances through Downsizing and Decluttering

Before you decide on your retirement living options, there are several factors to consider, whether you’re contemplating downsizing to a smaller home or moving to a retirement community. It’s essential to calculate what you can afford…

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1 year ago

5 Things to Do for Yourself Every Day After Your 50th Birthday

Most, if not all of us, have spent our lives up until this point juggling and trying to balance many of our life roles. Working, parenting, being a spouse, caring for parents, finding time for our friends are only a few. Although many of us…

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1 year ago

Is Over 60 Too Late to Get Your Master’s Degree?

We all have our “someday” goals, and as the years march on and we close in on the expiration date of someday, we often let those ambitions fade away. So when a friend in her 60s received her master’s degree…

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