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Life After Retirement

Life after retirement is a complicated time. Not only do you have to worry about your retirement savings, but, you also need to find meaning in your life. Here are some retirement ideas to help you get more from the best years of your life.

1 year ago

Can You Relate to These Common Estate Planning Mistakes? (VIDEO)

When you stop and think about it, choosing to do nothing in advance about something negative that is guaranteed to happen seems illogical, doesn’t it? And yet, human nature is that we avoid thinking about negative things, which is why…

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1 year ago

Retirement Goals Fading Away? Here’s How to Get Back on Track

Do you reach the middle of the year and wonder what happened in the past six months? It can be a shock to discover that your resolutions are lying in shreds or have been forgotten. What about the plans you had to start new creative projects…

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1 year ago

7 Ideas for Enjoying Life Together After Retirement

It all happened so quickly, where did the years go? But here we are, the first few years into retirement already. So much to be thankful for. Anyway, it’s the road ahead that matters. And so, setting out to look at some of the ways we go about making…

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1 year ago

Do You Still Need Life Insurance Over 60?

Is life insurance over 60 really necessary? This is a more difficult question than it sounds. After all, many women have had life insurance for most of their lives. When we are younger, we see it as a necessary measure to protect…

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1 year ago

Why Is It So Difficult to Invest in Yourself as a Woman over 60?

As women we are faced with a unique set of challenges. Often, we are juggling work, family, and other responsibilities, which can leave little time for personal growth and development. However, investing in oneself is essential for personal and professional…

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1 year ago

Thinking of Going Alcohol Free? 8 Mistakes to Avoid

I recently celebrated 8 years of sobriety – getting sober at 63 was probably the best decision I ever made. It took lots of attempts and plenty of mistakes, but it finally stuck. If you want to try an alcohol-free lifestyle then make sure to avoid my 8 mistakes!

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1 year ago

3 Things We’re Learning About the New Retirement

The conversations about retirement sound different than they did 10 years ago. Baby Boomers are learning how to align retirement with our unique needs and individual desires. There’s no “right way” to retire. However, current research supports…

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1 year ago

Why It Is Imperative to Have a Bucket List After 50

So many of the women I talk to each day through my blog at Life Balance After 50 know that they want to continue to be active and busy and doing all of the things on what we are calling “the right side of 50.” They may be looking to stop or cut back…

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1 year ago

How to be Retired and Happy… and Alcohol-Free

Many of us have looked forward to retirement during those busy years of managing a career and bringing up a family. The first few months may well be spent savoring the freedom of not having to get up at a certain time and manage the demands…

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1 year ago

Crucial Retirement Milestones After 60 (VIDEO)

As you navigate your 60s, you have several critical retirement planning milestones to work through. While that may be intimidating, the tasks are all manageable, especially if you give yourself plenty of time to learn about your options…

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