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Life After Retirement

Life after retirement is a complicated time. Not only do you have to worry about your retirement savings, but, you also need to find meaning in your life. Here are some retirement ideas to help you get more from the best years of your life.

4 years ago

How Much Does It Cost to Retire to Mexico?

Over a million Americans and half that many Canadians live in Mexico. Likely just as many live in the country part-time and unreported, keeping an address in the US (as I do). Living in Mexico is the answer for many who fear their lives…

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4 years ago

Retirement Living Redefined: Life in the Time of Luxurious Gifts

When I first retired, many questions surfaced. Who am I now – without a job title, an identity in the community, without responsibility and status, without a paycheck each week? What do I mean? Am I important anymore? To whom? How can I feel vital and needed? Read More

4 years ago

Feeling Lazy? Try These Tips to Boost Productivity in Retirement

Retirement brings a wonderful sense of freedom from responsibilities and schedules. In retirement, we can make our own decisions about how to spend our time. After all, we earned the freedom of retirement by working hard for many years!

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4 years ago

7 Thoughtful 80th Birthday Gift Ideas

Do you know someone who will be celebrating their 80th birthday? Turning 80 is quite a milestone, and it should be celebrated with something special. I’m sure the person in question doesn’t need another coffee mug…

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4 years ago

What Covid Quarantine Taught Me About Being Retired

There were many good things that came out of my experience with my first, and I hope last, quarantine of my life. But given how current events are playing out, quarantine restrictions may float in and out of our lives for some time to come…

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4 years ago

After 60, You Can’t Do Everything That You Used to Do… and That’s Ok

I’ve been a runner for more than 40 years – ever since taking a jogging class as part of a gym requirement in college. It’s a real passion of mine. For a long time, I ran races and participated in marathons. More recently, I built up to long runs in the spring and summer. Read More

4 years ago

12 Thoughtful Retirement Gift Ideas

Retirement is a big deal and should be celebrated. After many years spent working, life now offers some free time to enjoy the pastimes and activities that we are passionate about. Some try new hobbies and learn new skills…

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4 years ago

Why Working After Retirement is Good for Your Body, Mind, and Soul

If you’re heading toward retirement, you’re probably fantasizing about: No more freeways! No more deadlines! No more stress! Working after retirement may not even be a thought.

In fact, you may be thinking, “I’m free. I’ll never work again.” Read More

4 years ago

Not All Retirement Stress is Bad – So, Throw Some Piranhas in the Fish Tank!

Almost all of us want to reduce the stress in our lives as we enter retirement. After decades of screaming kids, performance reviews, road rage and social pressure, we are finally ready to relax and take it easy a bit…

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4 years ago

Our CCRC Has an Unelected Mayor – Why Should That Matter?

Soon after my husband and I moved into our continuing care retirement community, a hearty-looking fellow walked up to us and said, “I’m Tim, who are you?” I told him our names…

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