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Life After Retirement

Life after retirement is a complicated time. Not only do you have to worry about your retirement savings, but, you also need to find meaning in your life. Here are some retirement ideas to help you get more from the best years of your life.

4 years ago

Are You Aging Alone? Here’s How to Find a Home You Can Really Love!

Several years ago, I launched an aging alone Facebook group. Members bring up hot topics like affordable housing and medical care, transportation concerns, and countering isolation. Housing ranks the number one challenge for people over 60…

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4 years ago

The 4 Lifestyles We Slide Into After Retirement… and How they Impact Our Happiness

More women than not, in their 60s and beyond, wholeheartedly embrace life. Because of my lifestyle, I have met hundreds of women in their 60s, 70s and beyond who I notice are enjoying life, even those living under unpleasant…

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4 years ago

60 and Wondering What to Do with Your Life? Start a Blog!

How many blogs do you read in an average week? Have you ever wondered whether you should start a blog of your own? I can help you answer that question with a resounding, “Yes!” There are blogs about every conceivable topic…

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4 years ago

What I Learned from Embracing My Imperfections and the Art of Wabi Sabi

Are you imperfect? Good. That means you are human. But are you coming to terms with being imperfect? Ah, there lies the challenge. Culture and society lauds the perfect marriage, perfect children, perfect body…

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4 years ago

Home Ownership Levels the Gender Gap for Single Women

According to the National Association of Realtors, single women are the second leading homebuying demographic in the country, right after married couples. In fact, single women make up 17 percent of U.S. homebuyers…

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4 years ago

Hygge is More than Just a Cozy Home! Get More from this Wonderful Concept After 60

This beautiful Danish concept has become quite commercialized, so that as soon as we hear the word hygge (pronounced hooguh), our mind jumps to bulky sweaters, crackling fires and hot chocolate (or mulled wine)…

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4 years ago

What’s Really Important? Finding Your Purpose in Life After 60

How can you tell what’s important and what is not? All day and night you have choices to make about the signals that stream in, creating feelings and thoughts. They demand that you take accept, or reject, the ideas that they represent…

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4 years ago

How Gravitas Is Threatened by Your Retirement

Ancient Romans described gravitas as “seriousness.” Today we’re likely to see a broadened definition which includes “dignity and importance.” I’ll build upon those ideas by adding that gravitas is a compilation of characteristics that imply…

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4 years ago

The Psychology of Retirement Is Built on These 5 Principles

The stress of working day after day, year after year takes its toll on the mind and body. Retirement is the promise of an end to the rat race. The feeling of relief from being dependent on a job to live the lifestyle you want to live…

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4 years ago

The 5 Rings of Retirement Can Bring Back Your Spark

I’ve been hearing a lot lately about people feeling unmotivated and trapped, and like they’re in a holding pattern. Yes, the pandemic is a big contributor – but there’s more to the story. Being stuck at home is also a time where certain ideas…

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