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Life After Retirement

Life after retirement is a complicated time. Not only do you have to worry about your retirement savings, but, you also need to find meaning in your life. Here are some retirement ideas to help you get more from the best years of your life.

3 years ago

Retirement or Life Purpose: What Makes You Tick After 60?

“I’m winding down and she’s winding up.” A comment hubby tells people all the time. Yes, he is looking to finish up his law caseload and does not take on new clients; I am excitedly growing my clientele. Every time a potential new client contacts me, I am thrilled…

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3 years ago

“Planning” for Retirement: Are We Afraid of Free Time?

Yesterday, for the first time in 30 years, I worked a jigsaw puzzle. I was surprised how quickly time passed and the amount of time I spent ignoring my list of “ought tos,” along with my phone, my boyfriend and the great outdoors. I was absorbed…

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3 years ago

Returning to Normal Feels Different, And Better

As of this writing, the USA is mostly open. Sports facilities and restaurants are at full capacity again and Broadway is reopening. More than 50% of the population over 12 is vaccinated and despite the contagion of the Delta variant, hospitalizations are low…

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3 years ago

Have You Told Your Assets Where to Go? (VIDEO)

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey was written over 15 years ago but is still a best seller for good reason. His timeless advice is applicable across many aspects of our lives, business or personal…

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3 years ago

How Well Do You Play the Waiting Game? 5 Tips You Can Use to Stay Positive While Waiting

Do you remember a time when you were waiting by the phone for a special someone to call? It was excruciating and endless, bringing with it a roller coaster of feelings. Now in our 60s, we find ourselves waiting again, for the doctor to call…

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3 years ago

How to Feel Like a Millionaire in Retirement, No Matter Your Income

One of the biggest transitions to life in our sixties is to accept the fact, that for most of us, we are now spending down. It’s scary at first to watch our savings diminish instead of grow. It requires that we forge a new relationship with our money…

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3 years ago

Understanding and Thriving in the Different Stages of Retirement

Working closely with my clients, sometimes over decades, has given me deep insight into how people react toward retirement, which is one of the biggest transitions you’ll experience in your lifetime. It is an emotionally-charged period characterized…

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3 years ago

4 Things You Can Do to Overcome Boredom in Retirement

As a woman over 60, you want every day to be fresh, vital and filled with joy. You try hard to keep negativity at bay, and are disappointed when you have feelings of boredom. In fact, most people are bored at one time or another during their lives…

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3 years ago

Outtasight or Out of Sight? How to Wear an Invisibility Cloak

Remember the 60s? The 1960s that is, when “outtasight” referenced something cool and hip? In the 60s that “something” could have been a Baby Boomer teen girl. Well now, those 40 million Baby Boomer women are well into their seventh decade…

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3 years ago

My First 6 Months Post Retirement

This month marks the first six months since I “officially” retired. Here are a few takeaways from this period. The first months of retirement may feel similar to when a wedding is being planned. When the day finally arrives and then the honey moon is over…

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