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Life After Retirement

Life after retirement is a complicated time. Not only do you have to worry about your retirement savings, but, you also need to find meaning in your life. Here are some retirement ideas to help you get more from the best years of your life.

2 years ago

5 Ways to Relax and Enjoy Life After 60 Even More

I’m in my ThirdThird now (ages 60-90) and I find there are things I used to care a lot more about than I do now. Priorities, experience, wisdom, adapting – whatever the reason, I am much more flexible in my thinking. The result? Less stress. More joy. A greater appreciation for each day, each opportunity, each interaction…

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2 years ago

Unconventional Retirement Advice: 4 Steps to Transform Your Career, Relationships and Life After 60

For many people retirement is about finding a new adventure, career or passion. However, even for successful professionals, starting over is a massive challenge. Especially since retirement may mean leaving behind a title, connections…

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2 years ago

Are you Growing Older or Growing Bolder?

There are a number of resources that I go to when I need an attitude reset or to experience another point of view. I look to podcasts and articles, Sixty and Me being one of my favorite go-to locations on the web…

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3 years ago

Finding Inconceivable Joy of Turning 60

I can hardly believe that I will be turning 60 this year. I know it is a cliché, but I find myself repeatedly asking, where did the time go? It doesn’t seem that long ago that I thought that 60 was considered old. It is interesting how we view age so differently…

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3 years ago

The Importance of Setting Goals When You’re Flying Solo After 60

Many of us find ourselves living alone as we get older, whether through death, divorce or a lifelong commitment to singleness. Many of us embrace this independence, while others are not as comfortable with it…

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3 years ago

3 Ways to Find Balance in Retirement, One Step at a Time

Retirement isn’t about endings. It’s about moving forward and embracing new possibilities. Think of your post-working years in terms of rebalancing, reimagining and even reinventing rather than just retiring. Retirement is an opportunity…

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3 years ago

Cash Offers to Purchase Your Home – Sincere or Not?

Lately, I have been getting quite a few calls from people asking me about cash offers they are receiving in the mail, by text or on the phone for their home. Just yesterday, I received three cash offers in my mailbox for a piece of property that I personally own…

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3 years ago

3 Ways to Adopt a Growth Mindset in Retirement

In today’s world, it seems like the older you get, the more you’re told that age is a limitation. We hear (or tell ourselves) things like “you’re too old for that,” “you don’t need to learn new things anymore,” or “you can’t do that now…

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3 years ago

Is Keeping Busy the Secret to a Happy Retirement?

During our work lives we put a lot of emphasis on productivity. We’re evaluated according to how much we accomplish. That spills into other aspects of life, because we live in a culture that values getting things done, momentum, progress…

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3 years ago

The Road Ahead: I Just Retired!

My life has been a whirlwind of activity in the months following my public announcement that I would be retiring, including navigating the Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s holidays. My last day of work was the 17th of December, which happened…

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