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How to Sleep Better

Many women over 60 are wondering how to sleep better. As we get a little older, our aches and pains have a tendency to keep us up at night. In addition, changes in our hormones have us getting up early. The good news is that there are solutions. From meditation and aromatherapy to exercise and breathing exercises, we'll help you get the rest you deserve.

7 years ago

Sleep After 60 Isn’t a Luxury – It’s a Must Have for a Long, Happy Life!

I’ve never been a good sleeper. As a kid, I remember reading for hours by the hall light while my sister slept. Read More

7 years ago

Become a Sleeping Beauty: 9 Steps to Better Sleep After 60

As we grow older, we seem to require less sleep, although it doesn’t always feel that way, especially when the alarm goes off! But in fact, this is not strictly true. If we once needed eight hours sleep a night, we still need the same amount of sleep as we age. Read More

8 years ago

Dealing with Sleep Problems After 60: Advice from the Sixty and Me Community

We may not realize it, but, sleep problems have a major impact on our ability to function during the day.

When we are tired, your brains don’t operate efficiently. In fact, some sleep researchers even believe that many older adults are incorrectly diagnosed with dementia, when in reality, they have a sleep disorder. That’s how severe the impact of insomnia after 60 can be. Read More

8 years ago

Having Trouble Sleeping After 60? Here Are 4 Questions to Ask Your Doctor

Sleep is a mysterious process for many older adults. When we are babies, we sleep… well, like babies.

As younger adults, we could doze peacefully with a rock concert going on outside our window. Then, in our 50s and 60s, strange things start to happen. Our internal clock “shifts” and we may find ourselves falling asleep after dinner and waking up at 4 in the morning. Read More

8 years ago

How to Sleep Better After 60: Don’t Underestimate the Importance of Sunlight

How do you know when to sleep? It’s a ridiculous question, right? Doesn’t everyone fall asleep when it’s nighttime? In reality, it’s not that simple. If it was, so many of us older adults wouldn’t wake up at 4:00 in the morning, even though sun is still on the other side of the world. Read More

8 years ago

Having Trouble Falling Asleep in Your 60s? Try Gentle Yoga to Calm Your Mind

One of the most common myths about aging is that older adults need less sleep. The reality is somewhat more complicated. It’s true that our sleep patterns shift as we get older, but, this doesn’t mean that we need less sleep. Read More

9 years ago

Why Sleep is Important for Your Happiness as an Older Adult

Do you want to be happier? It’s so easy, you can do it with your eyes closed. Literally. Good sleep is essential to positivity. This is especially true for those of us in our 50s and 60s, who have a tendency to suffer from more sleep problems than we did when we were younger. Read More

9 years ago

Is Your Age Causing Your Sleep Problems? The Answer May Surprise You…

After we reach our 60th birthday, it’s easy to blame our age for all of our problems. Feeling a little forgetful? That’s just a part of aging! Can’t lose those extra pounds? Don’t worry! It’s harder to lose weight after 60! Having trouble falling asleep at night? Deal with it! That’s what happens when you get a little older. Read More

9 years ago

How to Sleep Better by Changing the Way You Brush Your Teeth

In many ways, sleep is an incredibly complicated process. For centuries, it was the domain of myth and speculation.

Now, as brain measurement techniques improve, scientists are finally starting to understand how and why we sleep. They still don’t have the full picture yet, but, their findings have led to some surprisingly simple suggestions. Read More

9 years ago

Having Trouble Sleeping After Menopause? We Have Some Ideas

Getting a good night’s sleep is important. We live in a chaotic world, so, getting restful sleep can be challenging at any age. This is especially true after menopause.

Not only do we have the same distractions and stresses that everyone else has, but, we also have wonderfully active hormones swirling through our bodies. This makes the process of falling asleep even harder. Read More