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How to Sleep Better

Many women over 60 are wondering how to sleep better. As we get a little older, our aches and pains have a tendency to keep us up at night. In addition, changes in our hormones have us getting up early. The good news is that there are solutions. From meditation and aromatherapy to exercise and breathing exercises, we'll help you get the rest you deserve.

3 years ago

Why a Bed-Time Ritual Can Bring You a Goodnight Sleep

If the mere thought of sleep is keeping you awake at night, you’re not alone. In the United States, it is estimated that between 50-70 million people suffer from sleep disorders that affect their quality of sleep and ultimately, their overall health and well-being…

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4 years ago

Best Cooling Pillows for Women Over 50

Are you experiencing hot flashes at night? It’s a common symptom of menopause and can prevent you from getting good and restful sleep. Are you waking up in a puddle with a wet pillow under your head? Is this happening several…

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4 years ago

How to Cope with Sleepless Nights and Mid-Afternoon Slumps After 60

As I move through my 60s – somewhat bemused by my imminent ageing – I notice that my sleep patterns are changing. Are your sleep patterns changing with age? Gone are the days when I needed an alarm clock to wake me up…

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4 years ago

Viva la Siesta! 9 Tips to Renew and Refresh Your Day – With or Without Coronavirus

Growing up in Buenos Aires, where summer days are hot and endless, “Siesta Time” got us kids out of the pool or away from the sprinklers and into a cool and quiet house…

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4 years ago

Sleep After 60: 3 Breathing Techniques to Help You Sleep (Demonstration)

Getting enough beauty sleep is important, especially if you want to age gracefully. A good night’s sleep makes you less likely to suffer from depression, memory problems, and serious health conditions such as diabetes…

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5 years ago

4 Tips to Getting Better Sleep When You Reach 60

A myth has been circulating, claiming that as you age, you need less sleep. That couldn’t be further from the truth. As a senior, you should still get the recommended 7–9 hours of uninterrupted sleep…

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5 years ago

Can’t Sleep After 60? What NOT to Do… and What Might Help!

There is s a lot of confusion out there about how much sleep we need after 60. Well, let me let you in on a little secret… we actually need just as much sleep after 60 as we do at any other age!  So, today, I want to share one thing that you can do […]

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5 years ago

Sleep Tight: 10 Tips to Improve Your Health Through Solid Sleep

I’m nearly 70, and I figure I’ve spent over 203,000 hours of my life snoozing. That’s 8,500 24-hour days, 1200 weeks, 300 months, or 25 solid years of sleep. Call me Rip Van Winkle. I’ve loved every minute of it. Read More

5 years ago

Need to Improve Your Slumber? This Expert’s Advice Works Wonders for Women Over 60

According to Dr. W. Chris Winter, author of The Sleep Solution, most physicians receive less than two hours of training about the entire field of sleep during medical school…

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5 years ago

How to Sleep Well and Get More from Life After 60

What pops into your mind when you think about the following question – what does it take to get the most from life after 50? If you are like most people, your thoughts probably jumped to suggestions like “being more productive” or “following your passions…”

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