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For most of our lives, our social relationships are accidental. Then, in our 60s, we find ourselves wondering how to make friends as an adult. This is not a trivial question. Having strong social ties is good for our health and happiness. Let's explore this topic together.

9 years ago

“Cheers” Can Teach Us About Making Friends as an Adult

As we reach our 60s, many of us find that our social circumstances are changing. Our kids, once the center of our lives, are grown up and are pursuing their own dreams. Our careers are either winding down or changing dramatically. Many of us are dealing with a divorce or separation. As a result, many baby boomers find themselves having to make new friends again for the first time in years. Read More

9 years ago

What is Friendship? Are We Thinking About it All Wrong?

What is friendship? It’s a harder question than you think. When you think about the phrase “making friends,” what images come into your mind? Read More

10 years ago

Is Making Friends as an Adult Easier or Harder After 60?

Making friends as an adult is always difficult, but, it’s not until we reach our 50s and 60s that things really start to get interesting.

For most of our lives, our friendships follow our social context. As kids, our lives are filled with schoolmates, neighbors and teammates. As parents, we follow our kids to BBQs, sports events and school activities. When we are building our careers, our co-workers are a constant source of social contact – even if we wish that they weren’t.

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10 years ago

Overcoming Loneliness is Possible if You Understand Your Social Preferences

One of the challenges when it comes to overcoming loneliness is that everyone’s idea of friendship is slightly different. In addition, each of us has a different level of comfort when it comes to social interaction. Read More

10 years ago

Are You Accidentally Ignoring Your True Friends?

Have you noticed how some friends love to be around you when times are good but run for the hills at the first sign of trouble? Were they ever true friends? A few weeks ago, a friend of mine told me about her experience with cancer. Her husband, who was relatively young, was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer and given about a year to live. Over the next 12 months, she did everything that she could to keep him comfortable, before he sadly passed away. Read More

10 years ago

3 Amazing Places to Meet People Online Who Share Your Interests

Women over 60 are much more technologically savvy than most people give us credit for! But, even if you are comfortable with technology, it can often be difficult to know where to look for people who share your interests. This is especially true at a time when we need to be more careful than ever about our privacy and security online. Read More

10 years ago

The Truth About Being Introverted or Extroverted that Most of Us Find Out Too Late

When you think about the word “extrovert,” what comes to mind? Read More

11 years ago

The Importance of Friends for Women Over 60 – Suzanne Braun Levine (Video)

In this episode of the Sixty and Me show, I share a conversation with Suzanne Braun Levine, a woman who was a legend in the women’s movement and is now an inspiration to midlife women. Read More

11 years ago

Host Travel – Make New Friends Without Leaving Your Home

Women over 60 often love to travel and explore new cultures and make new friends – but what if you could do all of these things without leaving the comfort of your house? With the online tools that we have available today, it’s easier than ever before to connect with fellow travelers by opening your home to host people. Read More

11 years ago

The Sixty and Me Forum for Women Over 60 is Live!

Have you joined our Sixty and Me Forum yet? It is open for conversation and connections. The Forum will give our community a great opportunity to get to know each other in a more personal way and to share interests and discuss specific topics women over 60 care about. Read More